Great, I hope that by pulling this move when the economics is down would teach these greedy companies that squeezing every last bit of dime and penny from the customers is a very stupid thing to do.
So, what's next? Should we use our biological data to start a game so that each purchase will only be playable by the person that bought the game? Oh, and this will also prevent the used game market too! Brilliant, right?
I do support the idea of not making any sequence. Just look at those big names at the moment: CoD, Assassin's Creed, Gears of Wars, Halo, etc..... Any game next in the line is exactly the same as the previous save for the story (which in my opinion is nothing more than an clumsy attempt to prolong the franchise's economic life time, which will in turn makes it boring) and some minor details (minor with a capital M).
K, I'll confess that I played Starcraft 2 instead of Starcraft 1 not because it has better gameplay but rather because it has better graphic. However, I spent more than 100 hours traveling Lordran instead of hunting Nazies or Zombies in CoDs. So here is the thing: it has always been the gameplay that forms the core of any great game. Technology advancement could help improve the gaming experience but it will never be able to become the 'heart' of the game. Therefore, the claim that 'graphic are 60% of a game' are ridiculous.
Sure, people will play a game with top-notch graphic out of amusement and curiosity. But without a solid gameplay, I highly doubt that that game would stand a chance in the long run.
I've watched the Drak Souls II gameplay demo on IGN. And the enemies deal like no damage to you whatsoever. In short, I dare to say that From Software has thrown away their most precious asset in their hands. Even more than that they have trampled on the pride of the hardcore gamers that took up the challenge in Dark Souls I. I would gladly see them go bankrupt after this!
Just imagine what's gonna happens if Dark Souls and its sequences feature the permanent-death system...... Great article anyway, I' looking forward to read more of these writings talking about new trends and innovative gaming experience.
I would be deeply disappointed if Hideo did back out because it's being controversial. There must be someone to tread on the path that none dare to walk for the first time anyway.
This just make no sense at all! They broke the sales records and yet they go bankrupt? Have these guys learnt about the return-upon-investment equation?
People shoot with guns. But why don't we ban the gun? Because they give us good "tax" money! So let diverse the attention to video games. They will act as meat shield for us! If we are people that are "exposed" to violent because of video games then these assholes are those that exposed to stupidity because of their own greed!
solid_snake1461's comments