All that talking about tactical approaches of the game and all I see in the video is a no-brainer rushing ahead, choosing the biggest gun to fire at anything in-sight. And all that prove one thing: GameSpot should fire the one who's writing the script for these video. If you are lying then make it look real at least!
There is only one word to describe that concept art: DISGUSTING! What the hell is Square Ex doing to the series? Hitman is about stealth and not about bringing in a gun and act like some heroic Rambo. After ruining the FF now this company is setting on bringing down this great series?
Even though I don't like the idea of always have to stay connected through to play game, I stand on Blizzard side in this case. What's wrong with a company obeying law in their country? If you want to blame someone, blame the government. Though I would not expect that it's gonna change a thing.
Personally, I find this article quite offensive when it called MGS 3 villians one-demensional. Had he played MGS 3 previously to the writing of this? The Boss has the most complex personality in the entire series. And how about that Ocelot? He served Volgin but worked for The Patriot in the shadow. That is in no way one-dimensional!
@made_u_look Well, I know about that. My point is what make Deus Ex "feel" Deus Ex is the option that you make and how you affect the ending. So, if they want to make a Cyberpunk movie but can not replicate that "feeling", then they better off create something of their own rather than rely on the name Deus Ex to sell.
solid_snake1461's comments