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someguy503 Blog

Ooh a Essay.

Well I got an English paper for my last semester at my school (senior year) worth like 1 gazzilion points (yes i did make up that number) and if i dont complete it i dont graduate so no college (is this a bad thing?) anywho lucky for me i was the last person (out of 45 people 3 person per topic) to get video game violence as a subject. gonna be some hard work to do *sigh*, need to find some info (thank you gamespot) and some manditory books, sadly I might have to resort to Jack Thompson *shudders* (i know he's written a book or two) oh and thanks to all the few people who actually read my blogs the few and the proud sorry i havent returned the favor as often just been busy.

I got a wii........FOR REAL!

Sweet! though my story is a tad ironic. See yesterday i told my friend she could borrow rayman from me cause i didnt have one and i didnt expect on getting it soon (also she thinks its stupid and i aim to prove her wrong) so this day at school i gave it to her and she gave me Fire emblem as colateral. So in the afternoon i went to the mall with my friend and stopped at gamespot and asked annd BAM they said they had it. Now you'd think theyd hand it over but no! Since my freind happens to work there and we all happen to know each other they mocked me a bit, forced me to put a warranty (didnt mind much) and a reservation for warioware (that i minded...ill change it for SSBB l8r) then allowed me to take it. so anywho i finally got it so yay Jubilations!

Wii Code:5867 5705 5809 5241

New year, christmas, and the EBA

Not much to say, i didnt get a wii (which is also supposed to be my B-day presnt) still dont have one yet, not trying hard enough probably. Did get elite beat agents. Weirdest game ever....hopefull pot influenced games will help me take down my depression of Wii deprivation. yadda yadda yadda, so on so forth. oh yea played Gears of War, Chainsaws are fun!

I Bought A wii....Game....

Nope i dont have a Nintendo wii and im about to go crazy for one. Ebay's got some but i dont have the money.I've been checking out all the stores but none of them have received a shipment since release date.. and on friday i was out at a lake,camping so i wasnt there when those wii's were shipped to Gamestop. But just for the heck of it, and to relieve the hassle, i bought Rayman 4 and an extra remote yay!

Background and Icon updated!

Seeing as im going into gamespot more often ive decided to put on some pesonalized things...okay i realize they are a tad mediocre but whats it matter..i dont have any friends that go to my crappy profile anyways! GAHH! anyone ever notice i put pauses in front of everything ... ... ... ... .. ... ..

Its been a while

Well ive been on here but ive neglected my blog, and friends so im preety sure you guys wont read this. well where to begin. i saw the movie advent children, it was very very awesome (especially with english subtitles). also im starting school on tuesday so yay for me senior year....i want a new computer.. there are some cool games out there that i wanna try(such as Gunz, or The Ship) but due to the fact that my computer is rotting from the inside out i cant really do much about it (stupid windows millenium!). Well thats it... also DS ROCKS MY SOCKS OFF!!! that is all

Oklahoma's passing a gaming bill??? ........IM IN OKLAHOMA!!

Im in oklahoma and i happen to be only 16 (17 in october) so legally this means that i cant buy any more games (nor can my parents). I dont see why though, what people fail to realize, is that an M rated game is the same as watching an R rated movie (AO being NC-17).That meaning that the contents of an R rated movie are the same as M. If a parent supervises a child at an R rated movie they are okay to go in, the same should also apply to video games. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?!?!?

Your Opinion?

Well i wanna know what you all are thinking so im going around posting messages to you guys asking your opinion on some of the events going on in the gamer world. (titled with the subject "Your Opinion") be on the look out cause you maybe next!

Level 14

YO YO YO, Big Z, this is someguy talking bout the upgrade i just got! its totally off the chain Dawg! Post your opinions or i bust a cap at yo posee.
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