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someguy503 Blog

Poll/Question #1

If you could hang out with any video game charachter, who would it be and what would you do? no dream dates plz.....


Charachter: Kirby

Activity: Close down all the bad all you can eat restauraunts i dont like

Polls of the day!

Each day if i have nothing better to do than be in gamespot, ill be posting up a poll of the day (or week, or whenever i feel like it). This way ill get some posts up and i can answer unresolved questions.. look forward to it soon!

I Rocked the Vote!!!....AGAIN!!!

voted special... i still want to get the gamecube owner badge, im so jealous of GameCubeDave and his gamecube collection! i love gamecube as much as the next guy! why cant I get that badge!! but hey I guess voting counts.......

Full Metal Alchemist: final episode

Well i just finished seeing the last episode of Full Metal Alchemist on adult swim and i got to say that this is one of the best animes EVER!! anyways i dont wanna ruin it for you guys so just look up the Otaku Forum for info. I cant wait to get my hands on the movie... i must have it!!!

Nintendo MANIA!!

Well i just put in all my old games that i own from the N64, SNES, and NES. problem is i cant play em. see i had all the console systems and cables until one,oh so tragic :cry:,day. i dont wanna remember the situation... so ill just tell ya that i still have all the console's but i lost the cables which connected them all to the t.v, i have to go to a Game X Change and get some av inputs. but still i own em and i have played them all (couldnt beat Mike Tyson...) to get to the point im all bout being old school yo!

Lil Kids + Games= dont match (strangely)

Alot of relatives and lil kids have been going in my house lately, and theyve been playing w/ my gamecube unattended (doing errands, out with my friends). IM MAD!! apparently so far theyve corrupted the data to 2 of my games (alien hominid, Sonic Adventure 2) and i was 100% full with one of them (Sonic Adventure i had still been working hard on) I FEEL LIKE BUSTING SOMEONES HEAD OPEN!

Off to college and no idea what im doing?!?

Our teachers at school are bugging us about picking the right college and things like that. Im just utterly confused cause i wanna be a Game Designer. Problem is i have no idea what knowledge i need to get that career or what schools are offering to teach those things! WHAT TO DO!!!!

Today at the forums

well i wrote a posting about what people would say is the most painful scene in a video game and i found this laying around (yes it was laying around)

[QUOTE="glitchgeeman"]The chainsaw death in RE4. The first time it happened, I was like "HOLY S***!" I really never saw it coming. But, I guess it's all in a day's work for an agent whose trying to save the presiden'ts daughter from a crazed cult and a bunch of crazy villagers.Eman5805

if fighting 25 foot tall ogres, 50 foot long salamanders, tentecle sprouting freaks, and chainsaw swinging juggernauts all in a days work...i dont wanna know what you call a bad day in the office

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