If you could hang out with any video game charachter, who would it be and what would you do? no dream dates plz.....
Charachter: Kirby
Activity: Close down all the bad all you can eat restauraunts i dont like
If you could hang out with any video game charachter, who would it be and what would you do? no dream dates plz.....
Charachter: Kirby
Activity: Close down all the bad all you can eat restauraunts i dont like
Alot of relatives and lil kids have been going in my house lately, and theyve been playing w/ my gamecube unattended (doing errands, out with my friends). IM MAD!! apparently so far theyve corrupted the data to 2 of my games (alien hominid, Sonic Adventure 2) and i was 100% full with one of them (Sonic Adventure i had still been working hard on) I FEEL LIKE BUSTING SOMEONES HEAD OPEN!
Our teachers at school are bugging us about picking the right college and things like that. Im just utterly confused cause i wanna be a Game Designer. Problem is i have no idea what knowledge i need to get that career or what schools are offering to teach those things! WHAT TO DO!!!!
well i wrote a posting about what people would say is the most painful scene in a video game and i found this laying around (yes it was laying around)
[QUOTE="glitchgeeman"]The chainsaw death in RE4. The first time it happened, I was like "HOLY S***!" I really never saw it coming. But, I guess it's all in a day's work for an agent whose trying to save the presiden'ts daughter from a crazed cult and a bunch of crazy villagers.Eman5805
if fighting 25 foot tall ogres, 50 foot long salamanders, tentecle sprouting freaks, and chainsaw swinging juggernauts all in a days work...i dont wanna know what you call a bad day in the office
I wonder what it woudl be like to actually be inside a video game, a human being. Generic charachters can take more bullets & sword slashes and are resistant to pain.... what if one of us were in one.. just a random thought by me
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