Most (young) programmers only know mobile and think that's all there is too it so it's easiest to port from a phone graphics engine and these companies are ran by financial people who only know money and are scared to take risks. Yes they (phone graphics engines) exist and have a similar look when a game is released even on more powerful hardware. We went thru this in the Commodore 64 era where dedicated games/software often came out better where as ports from the Apple II was easiest to make but graphics were god awfull with only 4 colors (if you can call them that)
It's harder and harder to find someone that doesn't think that they have a "PC in their pocket". There actually is a LOT of difference between phones and PC's or even among powerful game consoles but it takes too long to get into and if you never lived the era when Windows (or Mac) was actually useful up to Windows 7 and 8 you won't ever understand as that era is long gone. It's like trying to describe color to a blind person and the industry has pushed it into thinking you want something old like 78 rpms if ever brought up
Heck look at the PS1/2 library compared to today where it's mostly the same kind of thing shoot and kill (and you wonder why the world is so violent with the media downplaying it). In the PS1/2 era while the hardware was weak the amount of variety was strong. It was hard to be bored or angry for too long
@cfscorpio: Nahhhh requires too much thought processing. Too risky. In the minds of bankers and financial people if the trend doesn't look right they wont' do it though with our improving economy video games are starting to get bigger now.
The last five years afterlooking at various reviews we were in a period of half broken games requiring patching on day one with equally crappy physics. Steam had a lot of crappy *simulator* titles giving the genre a bad name due to *green light* allowing unlimited crap. When you have open borders behind the legit people comes the lowest common denomentors
@mo123567: A lot of them have never spend time with Chrono Trigger or maybe speed played thru it missing a lot of the hidden gems. There were really no (review) places when Chrono came out. If you had magazines you'd have been pumped or missed it entirely if you were into let's say Sega Genesis.
Today we don't really have *capitalism* anymore as the worlds money is in the hands of a few families that own most of the businesses and institutions and that includes sadly video games. We know are in a (pseudo) corporatism/socialism which neither are healthy for long term business.
If there is one thing socialist and rich bankers have in common they both believe if you don't vote for their regulations the world will come to a crashing halt and that mother nature won't continue on despite the fact we are just rats in her eyes.
Squar Enix is ran by financial bankers much like EA games where all they know is stocks and money. They understand very little in running a business outside of that and are out of touch with reality. They only see what's in front of their face.
The best businesses are those who have a mix of *feelers* and *thinkers* who can get the job done. Without a solid mix then the business will eventually fail and erode over time.
That's what happened to Atari they were ran by *feelers* who just wanted the next big high and didn't keep to a project.
Now Square Enix is that way today they just want the (vibe) or whatever the self entitled generation calls it and Chrono Trigger/Super Mario RPG type games requires too much thought to stick to. You can't just rush those games together or they would've too came out sloppy.
@Xristophoros: Because it is sucky to rely on a machine. It does eliminate free speech to go *robots* that don't have one thing humans do. A soul that guides us right from wrong at the basic levels.
The trend to robotize everything is going to backfire.
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