@Pyrosa: Yup it will have a retina scan that will measure your eye wavelengths linking you to your political history on Facebook. If the automatic scripts think your good you will be let in with the big boys. If the algorithms think your bad for whatever silly reason it's the penalty box edition of the game.
Instead of kicking you off the servers you can still play The Crew 2 but with 8 bit graphics using NES triangles/sawtooth noises. If you behave long enough without swearing or gripping you will be upgraded after a month or two to the 16 bit Sega Edition then after 2 weeks of that to the Nintendo 64 early 3D polygon edition. It shows you are a trustee despite being penalized. There will be a special symbol to your status instead of the standard picture of jail bars when your put in there.
BUUUUUUUUT if you screw up you will be lowered to 4 bit Atari 500 where your car is just a boxed line that moves with two white lines showing your headlamps. Your joystick turns into the Atari 500 joystick while playing and all your friends laugh at you especially if your streaming the game online and got put in there.
If you go to Game Spot to complain about being put into the Penalty Box they have controls that will cause Game Spot to be 8 bit graphics.
@gokuKOG: It will be more then just online. It will want your retina scan to make sure your real then link you to the government which looks into your political history to see if your in line with the main stream or if your too goofy you will be either blocked or get the *stupid* version that you hate.
The politically correct gamers get the GOOD version that leveling up is easy and fun with good AI while you get the bad AI. You may even get the 8 bit version which is the Penalty Box edition. When your banned instead of kicking you out of the game they just make the graphics all look weird with NES triangles/sawtooth sounds.
IF you behave in the Penalty box long enough they may upgrade you to 16 bit Sega mode then to Nintendo 64 3D early polygon mode to show your a trustee. But if you abuse those privileges it's back 8 bit for you buddy!@
Actually scratch that you get the 4 bit edition like the Atari 500 where your car is just a box with lines that move and the headlamps are two white lines that shine out.
Your controller changes into the Atari Joystick while playing it.
@Mogan: Keywords bankers/financial people only hear. Short term profit. They don't give a rip that 9.5 million people returned the game within the first week/month being bored.
Keep supporting crony capitalism and this is what you get. Vote with your wallet! Spread protests/boycotts and demand more independence for companies so they will be encouraged to try. Otherwise the only indie games you'll get are Shower With Your Daddy Simulator or YouTubers Life which are made as jokes then actual serious attempts at gaming because they know they can never compete with Ubi SOFT OR EA.
@freeformrulz: Bankers my friend. Same with EA they screwed Maxis around forcing them to focus on The Sims instead of what they were about. City Simulation. Now if they had done a good job incorporating The Sims to be linked with Sim City then I am sure Sim City 4 would've done a far better job with more expansion packs made then Rush Hour.
Societies would've never been made as it's a desperation game EA gambled and lost on due to focusing too much on Global Warming in your face making it not fun as you only know one liner outcome to win. Once you figure it out you own the entire city.
Sim City 4 had so much lost potential that the only thing saving it is some network addon mods and economy mods that make it not so broken which breathes new life into the game.
@wrestlefanatic7: How about Amiibos that's beyond the road! You first need the Vroom Amiibo which comes with the game if you buy the Premium game which comes with one other Amiibo randomly unlocked.
There will be the paint pack Amiibos you can buy separately or as a pack which will be hidden so fans will yell at you if you complain about spending too much on The Screw Amiibos.
Amiibo 4 Youbo!
Or if you want to go cheap you could buy the 16 Bit Crew that dumbs it down to SNES/Sega graphics with farting noises and beeps.
@walidras: Nope you get to buy Amiibos! The first Amiibo is the Vroom Amiibo that makes a vroom noise when you turn it on or you can't start the game unless you buy the Deluxe Edition which bypasses it and comes with one other Amiibo from below randomly each time you buy it.
The paint pack Amiibo for just 4.99$ The Interior Amiibo for just 6.99$ The Bumper/Spoilers Amiibo for 5.99$ Or how about the Exterior Amiibo pack for just 19.99$ that combines it all into one package saving you a few dollars but it's a savings! OH BOY MORE AMIIBOS! If you don't like it you must have I mean hate Nintendo! You must hate THE CREW!!!!!!
Don't even get started with upgrading your engine/exhaust as those are more expensive Amiibos.
(Angry Crew Fans yell for you to be banned and the mods put you on mod preview for sharing your displeasure about buying so many Amiibos because you failed to buy the Amiibo packs in their minds) but that isn't what your post actually was about. Your post was about Amiibos out of control.
The Crew For Yoooooooou! The Screw! (You drive a screw to get the game open)
Should The Screw be included to help you open the game or is that separate to buy too?
@playstationzone: All crap. I have older Need For Speed games that are far better up till past Carbon. (Excluding The Shift series as those are closed circuit simulators)
The only way The Crew could be anyworse is using Amiibo's. The Roaster Amiibo pack! just 9.99$ Fork it over! The sportscar racing pack. Just another 9.99$. The Amiibo Amiibo pack. We don't know what it does but just for it over! Another 9.99$
Before you know it you have spent over 70$ worth of DLC content so you login to your UBISoft account and whine how you were fooled and that they need to be more honest so they promise a better fix or sequel and you go thru the hype all over again.
That is why capitalism is screwed because companies are ran by people who are out of touch with reality and get huge tax breaks from the government and protection from being too big to fail.
Too big to fail is too big to exist. EA Games/Ubisoft and all the other large companies which causes indie games to be crap as nobody wants to TRY to compete. So you get stupid Indie games like Shower With Your Daddy Simulator or Robot eating up the furniture simulator.
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