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soul_motor Blog

Hell's Kitchen

I'm not sure who else watches Hell's Kitchen, but it's a pretty decent show. Before I go on, spoiler alert:::

[spoiler] Julia left [/spoiler]

Even though I was sad to see her go, I think she was the biggest winner. Chef is sending her to a Culinary school so she can win hands-down. Considering her propensity to make a simple dish people actually want to eat, I'll be happy to see her return next year.

In other quick news, updated my avatar a bit, do you guys like it??

Remind me to invent a better DSL carrier....

I was going to watch the Sony conference yesterday, really. However my DSL went down 15 minutes before the show, and after my normal procedures tried to get it up, I ended up on the phone with the tech guy for an hour. It wouldn't be so bad if AT&T was actually reliable. My internet goes down at least once a month. Fortunately I can usually get it back up. Yesterday however there was a problem with their servers as when it did "magically" come on, it was wickedly slow. I was maxing out at 44kps. That's just crap. Oh well, at least I didn't seem to miss too terribly much.

I did manage to catch the Nintendo conference, and I have one big question I'm sure all of you have too, what's the weight limit?? I'm a Wii bit over 300lbs, will the Wii Boogie board hold me, or will I have to slim down first?? I do like the concept though. Tony Hawk could be pretty damned cool with it.

Finally, as some of you know, Houtx is back from his recent hospital visit. I'm a little late on this, but welcome back. Yeah, I've not been around the GSpot much lately...

Where does it go?

Time that is. I'm sure maybe someone out there noticed I haven't been too terribly active at all this past month, but time's been fleeting. I've been doing a lot of work to earn funds for my Alaskan adventure. I've also put in a bit of time in Pokemon Pearl, that game is too addictive for it's own good. I'm thinking I ought to do a review or so on it, I've certainly put enough hours into it. The last three weeks I've been doing work for my dad, hard heavy type work. Fat people aren't made to do construction, that's for sure:P The first week we did some digging and concrete work in the back yard. The path back there has been in bad shape since we moved in there 23 years ago. Now it looks a little better. The last couple of weeks we were working on the front porch, at least I've got some photos of that. We're still not done, but it's getting there. We tore down the old one and put in an enclosed porch. As neither my father nor I are or have ever claimed to be carpenters, I'd say we did a bang up job. Then again, we still have time to screw up:wink:

In other news, I'm sure many of you who might actually read this already know, but Travis (HOUTX1836) is hurting in a real bad way. I don't know any of the specifics, but I do know Trav is a great guy and can use some help. Keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers (if you pray to a deity). I put a "get well soon" type of sentiment in my signature, and if you so like, you can use it as well. I'm not too great with the computer stuff, so it does need resized to about 435x183. Resize however you like, and maybe link to his blog.

I'll try to not end on a bad note, so I'll put some nice pictures from the last month I have taken here.



So long my dear friend...

   It was a fitting end for a dear, dear friend.  This weekend I laid my PS2 to rest.  Well, it was more like I "took it to a farm to frolic with other game systems."  Since I had a decent coupon, and she was starting to go anyways, I took her in to GameStop, games, accessories, and all.  All said and done I re-couped just about enough for the 360 I want.  I'm still waiting for technical bugs and the 65nm chip to arrive before I dedicate myself to one...  To the fitting part, I traded in my N64 for my first PS2, so I guess it's only karma of some sort...

   I'll also be "losing" another friend in Sept.  My buddy Joe is getting himself married.  Congratulations Joey!  I've known Joe since high school, and we've been best friends since.  He was the best man at my wedding, and I've been asked to reciprocate.  The only thing is he's stationed in AK, and I live in OH...  I'm really hoping I can arrange to get myself there come Hell or highwater.  I won't be able to bring my wife, which is kinds sad as we have both wanted to visit Alaska.  We've both kinda decided that if we can get me there, it won't be too much of a vacation as I'll be helping out my buddy and be with him all weekend.  On the bright side, I should be able to get some really pretty pictures if I go:)  Well, I have to go and get ready for work, so I'll end my blog now.  Hopefully this cold disappears by the time I wake up this morning:( 

Quick Update

   It's been a little while, so I figured I'd tap out a quick update.  It seems I do these on a bi-weekly basis, so it's about that time...  First, I've been doing quite a bit mor photography with the wife now that I bought her a new camera.  That means I get the old one, but that's cool, I think it's better anyhow:P  If you really want, my Flickr is here.

  Second, I got Pokemon Pearl, and as soon as I get my friend code, I'll put it up.  I've been trying to install Ubuntu on the desktop, but it doesn't seem to want to work.  I think I'm better off waiting for the disk I ordered to come in, it takes a long time to download, even with bit-torrent.

  Finally, I'm relatively upset today.  My wife went to go to work and noticed someone was in our car last night.  They only took my phone and sack, which only had a gym shoes and a cheap MP3 player.  Apparently the other door on our garage wasn't closed all the way, that's how they got in.  We live in an apartment, so we don't have our own garage, and we don't have a garage mate, so it's probably been unsecured for the last five months.  What's really funny is they left my tools and satellite radio.  The radio was on the toolbox, so they may not have realized what it was...  On the bright side, they didn't screw up my car.  The last time some bugger broke into my car, they screwed up the column, smashed the console, and stole my radio.  I'd really like to know if I'm a statistical anomoly or not, this is the fifth time I've had my car broken into.  That's about once every two years...  That could make an interesting study...  Oh well, until next time...

R2 D2 Pretty Flower Remix

A pretty groovy day.


I just wanted to wish everyone who celebrates Easter a great Easter!  If you don't, hopefully you had a good day too!  This is a picture of me from '02, it was an alright job, but it had it's moments.

New Clancy Series?

I'm sure most of you have read about the possible new Clancy series , and it's quite mysterious. For lack of better things to do, I looked at the UbiSoft site and here is my list of possible storyline theories:


  • The main character has been captured, and his mind probed. This is explained in a couple of the sound bytes and text on right. I'm guessing that he was captured near Cincinatti, OH. There is reference to "RTS I71 and I75,"those interstates intersect around there.

  • There is a war raging between the EU and US. I'm guessing the water supply is contaminated by biological pathogens. This is based on the "Water Futures" trade in news and pathogen testing, which the character tested negative for. Water is also being rationed. The character recieved an award for the Atlanta Defensive, perhaps that's where the first strike was... This also makes sense as the western front is in the gulf on the east coast, DC is decimated, but Boston seems alright enough to regroup governmental function.

  • The main characters service record is interesting. He's a pisces, born Feb. 22, 1991, he looks to be early 30's, so GameSpot's guess of 2020's is probably accurate.. He enlisted at 18, basic training in Fort Benning, GA. He's an Army Ranger with his paratrooper wings, 22 combat jumps. More interesting is his MOS is Counterintelligence Agent, secondary MOS is Avionic Comm. Equipment Repair. I'm going to guess that there will be some wiretapping and listening involved in the game. Though being a Ranger, I'm guessing there will mostl likely be squad elements in the gameplay.

  • I'm not sure what good this is, but it seems he recieved his last rites, in what to me sounds like Spanish. Perhaps he was in Spain, or Mexico.

  • The main character's health is not good. He is either becoming or is paranoid. He has a severely injured right arm, with major loss of function. Maybe he'll have a bionic arm? He also has a family.


Let me know what you think in the coments, and when more info is available, we'll see how close or how far off I am in my detective work. If I do good, maybe I'll get myself a cape and cowl:P


I'm finally a Mac user now.  Damn I feel stupid.  It's so similar, yet so different from Windows.  Oh well, I'll learn.  I picked up an iBook from the internets, mostly because it was the right price.  Spec wise it's slower than my PC, but I can't tell the difference.  I'll mostly use it to play on the internet with, so it's not bad at all.  As an update, my PS2 seems to be working a bit better now, but I guess we'll see.  I may trade it in anyhow and put it towards the 360 I plan on getting in the fall.  Nothing new is coming out that I am excited about for it, so it wouldn't be a huge loss.  Well I gotta go, got people to do, things to see, etc.:)


I think my PS2 is dying, after only 2 years and three months...  Towards the end of GoWII, it was starting to freeze up.  Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I think the game may have been designed to brick it to force me to get a PS3...  I'd hope not.  BTW, it was an awesome game!!  I can say III is confirmed by the ending.  Damned cliff-hangers...

I'll see if it gets better in a couple of days, if not, I'll be having a fire sale on PS2 games (taking them into EBStop).  I refuse to buy a third PS2, and I can't afford a PS3.  Based on my Sony experience, I may not get a PS3 ever.  It wouldn't be too bad if I played every day for 8 hours, but I don't play it too often.  This week was the biggest week in a while, with three days at three hours...  I will keep you updated.

Maybe I'm Just Goofy

I'm sure everyone has heard about the kids who killed the homeless guy, and immediately blamed video games. Now I'm no expert, but I'm going to have to call BS on this. My money is on he was screwed up in the head well before he ever played a video game.

The only thing he did that was remotely similar to a game was the act of killing, beyond that, not much. When was the last time a game had you smear poo on a dead body? Most likely never. Though that does vaguely remind me of an episode of Oz on HBO. I'm thinking this is just a way to avoid responsibility, and unfortunately we as gamers will have to pay for it.

On another note while I'm a ranting, the whole Tim Hardaway thing. I could care less about sports in general, and what athletes have to say, but he's just crazy. What was he thinking? But then again, this is still the U.S. of A, and he is free to think whatever he wants, and say what he wants. Oh well, at least some people are taking it well, I'll leave you with a funny little video I found on-line with Mr. Sulu. Mr. Sulu is awesome.
