@RedWave247: They were awesome and the whole "choose them at any time and they can be anywhere on the map" without much of a load time was truly next gen...last gen. With the latest hardware, it should be even better.
3rd person shooting with the same camera as Resi 4/Gears and I agree, more open ended mission design, although not necessarily going through the extremes of all out guns or stealth.
@banhammer: That's ridiculous, Mayweather can sell PPVs against anyone and Manny garners huge international audiences. Regardless, the last Fight NIght sold better than any of the UFC games.
@muzza93: I know, I might drop off at the mid point of the map next time and dive down somewhere else. Landing at the edge of the map used to be a safe bet but not now lol
I only recently got to play the updated map and its great to see area expansions BUT things seem a bit more crowded. I dunno if i twas just me but even as I waited till the end of the drop zone, I kept landing in places with people, which I hate.
@quis89: I never said they had, but the gaming environment is very different now than it was 5 years ago with the release of GTA V. Not to mention how R* shafted GTAs sp DLC in favour of online, shark cards and all that rubbish. Some time ago, they said they were looking for continuous monetisation in every game release, which is basically micro transactions, something EA has done.
So my point is, I am going to be cautious and check every detail of the game before buying it, rather than it being a day one purchase like many previous R* releases.
I'm starting to have doubts about this game. I bought the original on release, as I did VC, SA and GTA V. Now I will be waiting for honest reviews to pop up across youtube detailing loot boxes and various micro transactions, to see how they affect the sp. If there is zero relevance, I'll buy the game. if the sp is a broken, half finished mess that requires dlc and loot boxes to complete, they can go... themselves.
@lionheartssj1: Just keep it away from the sp experience and let the experience be a full, self contained story without the need for dlc to tie up loose ends or forced links to mp.
@Keaze_: It did cause quite a stir across youtube channels. Thing is, so far, R* have not implemented this in single player experiences. If it stays that way, I personally won't care, although RDR2 would not be a day one or full price purchase for me.
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