@6t4gp: You know what context is? If so, you will understand what I'm about to say. I mention 800 mill has a bit of an issue because WB said they needed to make that much to break even or make a slight profit, I can't remember which. So no, it's not good with the correct context.
These numbers are great but BvS had great numbers initially as well. It barely broke out above the 800 mill they needed to make profit or break even. So not a huge success. With the neg reviews, this is probably going to go the same way.
@dlaney34: The consumers have hardly ever created demand. The reality is, demand is created by marketing executives and major corporations, who put the product out there and tell you that you need it and you need it right now. You should read more economics text books.
I've never heard a single gamer before the announcement of the NEO or the Scorpio say, "Jeez, wouldn't it be great if we could pay a extra 300-500 dollars for a slightly upgraded gaming console". However, since Sony and MS announcement, that's what we hear, because the demand has been created by the individuals that NEED you to buy their product. This is marketing 101. It's literally the first thing you learn in business school.
@Sepewrath: This exactly. If the consumer buys into this, the same way they have bought into Apple upgrades every year, then yes, this will become the norm. Minimal graphic upgrades for hundreds of pounds, while the previous version of the same console can play the same games. It's utter stupidity.
@jgui: I never said it would be bad nor am I judging but the basic structure of the gameplay has been revealed, I'm worried it will get repetitive or just boring real quick. Like Spore. There was a lot of hype surrounding the size of the map but in the end many players dropped out early in the game.
There is a side of me that hopes....nay, WANTS this to be different. This gen needs a must play experience.
This is good news but I have a greater concern, how boring and repetitive will it be to go to a planet, collect some resources and then repeat ad infinitum?
"unnatural and claustrophobic"....sums up the HR game world perfectly. I'm sad that SE haven't gone and overhauled that. Oh well, I was unlikely to get this at release anyway.
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