Looks very similar to Doom 3, with similar map lay out and enemy pop ups. It seems to be a bit more crowded and definitely faster but they are really superficial changes rather than the return to classic a lot of us were hoping for. Another major let down, for console gamers anyway, is the pay wall behind which the MP sits. If there's some local MP, it could really boost the console version, otherwise it's inferior to the PC game.
A prequel makes perfect sense and a game world helped with current tech should be awesome! Rockstar, the kings of open world are about to show everyone how to do things.
I'm not surprised. The TV show aspect is essentially just a bunch of very well made cut scenes. I would have been very impressed if they had numerous at least two endings and two separate paths to go down as. A game with decisions which don't impact the story are useless.
@onkue77: I'm not expecting perfection, I'm just expecting yet more mediocre Snyder rubbish. I will of course reserve judgement as I really liked Watchmen and some other movies without the best critical response but this isn't even getting a mixed response, it's just plain bad from just about everyone. I'm worried.
@blueboxdoctor: The tone of this movie is just one of the complaints but most of the complaints I've seen in the reviews (and figured from the trailers/previous Snyder projects) is that the movie looks terrific and has great imagery but lacks any heart. It also lacks a coherent plot, tries too much in 1 film, tries to begin, understand and resolve the issues, has a very obvious solution (the trailers showed us it) and sets up a whole new DC/WB franchise.
Essentially DC are trying to do what Marvel did in one movie, when it took Marvel 2 years or so.
Hopefully Suicide Squad is better without all this baggage.
@locke90: Well, I made money on the online section pretty quickly and bought various jets and weapons and so on. Plus, as I bought the game on release and the servers fd up, Rockstar gave out tonnes of free cash. Again, I haven't played ina while and the online structure may have changed but I never had issues with weapons ,progression or nay such thing on the online mode, especially when compared to DLC dependent games out there.
@locke90: I never found it difficult to earn the money to get the jets, cool weapons etc, especially once I completed the main campaign. Having said that, I haven't played it in over a year so I dunno what's going on anymore.
soul_starter's comments