@tel2578814: I never said any of those things. There's not much in it in terms of hardware between the core consoles. What matters most if the game and Sony has always been miles ahead.
@Flen15: I mainly agree with the idea that the empire gets destroyed and yet nothing changes. I really wash oping for a new story direction and the fact that TFA was basically a plot by plot remake of the original left me feeling kinda empty. As for TLJ, yes the story was largely a retread of old ideas BUT there was an underlying theme of corrupt nobility and power, which is more relevant now than ever before.
Plus there were a handful of very cool scenes and genuine humour (most of it was too much), so I ended up seeing a movie that was at least exciting, more so than TFA.
I actually enjoyed this aspect of the story, the fact that finally there was a major character without noble ancestors and/or links to other great heroes. It was one of the most poignant moments in the film. To retcon that to please a bunch of men who can't grow up is silly and counter intuitive to the central message of the new trilogy, that every one can be the hero and all struggles start at the grass roots.
Not only is that a lot of games, many of them are PS4 exclusives. I'm not talking about timed exclusives or games you can also play on the PC. Genuine, AAA, non microtransaction bs exclusives. It really is the best console around.
I didnt think it was slow at all and I watched it in the cinema, where time just flew by. It was genuinely very good for me, and this from a guy who just does not like the original. In fact, the best part was that they decided to have a coherent plot this time around.
It's a big, operatic film and willing to take risks, something missing from a lot of modern cinema.
soul_starter's comments