I've only played Halo 1-4 and 2 is clearly the best imo. Great story, better than the original imo, at least the way the sp is set up. In terms of Halo, it was the last time the sp actually felt like a big deal andn ot tacked on to a mp experience (halo 3 was awesome online)
soul_starter's forum posts
I havent been a fan of this type of rpg for a while but all the positivity around it might make me buy it at some stage.
@Juub1990: It's not about hating, it's about being honest.
I'm a PC and console gamer and both of them have their advantages and disadvantages. Let's just be real abou tthat. Yes PCs can play games at higher settings but there are still more crashes and more compatibility problems with PC games. You'd have to be lying if you didn't admit not every PC game is designed with every graphics card in mind. Poor optimisation is an ongoing problem.
The positive is largely free multiplayer and I've used it to really get into BF1 and more importantly, Titan Fall 2. Oh and so many avenues to buy games iwth really cheap prices.
@Shantmaster_K: Yep, more modes, a batter overall package and ultimately, a more measured approach to the gameplay.
Imo you should have made this in System Wars.
Not allowed to publish blogs anywhere else.
Favourite PS3 games: Mass Effect 2, Fallout 3, God of War 3, Fight Night 4, Fifa 12, MGS 4 (series should have ended here), GTA V, Red Dead Redemption (worried about the sequel and the proposed online element), Heavy Rain, Bioshock 2, COD: MW2, Far Cry 3, LA Noire, Skyrim and Resistance 2.
Just making that list puts a massive smile on my face. I could have easily added in another 20 games but I wanted to name the games that stuck out most and were truly great. However, there is also a hint of sadness as the last gen is probably the last gasp of true gaming.
This gen has been filled with sub par, financial rip off sequels (MGS V and FO4 to say the least) not to mention horrible, online only FPS games focused on microtransactions...and the bleeding of that terrible monetary fraud into single players games. Oh and we have pretty much seen the death of sp fps games and the loss of free mp. Suffice to say, my list for PS4 will be a lot shorter.
Mad Max is quite fun I guess, the Uncharted collection improves upon the original game the most so that's erm good...I haven't played a lot of the exclusives. MGS V as mentioned is trash for the most part. PES 16 is an enjoyable sports sim but I think FIFA 18 will be the standout football game this gen.
Very enjoyable and very beautiful BUT Titanfall 1 and Battelfield 1 have it beat, in terms of fpd that I've played this gen. On top of all that, I actually preferred Doom 3.
hell yeah! the console itself and the games would be so cheap...you might even find some places selling new
unless the online service is no longer available, I see no reason for you not getting it
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