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souledge959 Blog

So much stuff and so little money!

I'm getting tiered of sequels that don't need sequels, for example we don't need a new left for dead just DLC and I'm OK with paying ten dollars for a Add on but I don't want to pay sixty dollars for a game that is just a amped up version of the first on. The prices are also getting to me for all you older people out there remember when it was 40- 50 dollars to buy a new game at gamestop? Well I'm getting tiered and that is probably why people pirate and download games for free because the price is outrageous especially if a sequel is only a year away from the release. An the quality is starting to get lax if you haven't noticed that the quantity of games have gone up but the quality has gone down in my opinion I'm starting to lose faith in the gaming industry but also with the money in my pocket. I think it's time for the game community to take a long look at it's self and make some adjustments.

The PS3 is back and going to kick some butt

Many people in the world would say that the PS3 was being crushed under the foot of the WII and the 306, but I said no like so many die hard fans out there for Sony. The PS3 just needed momentum and time to create great and powerful games to be distributed exclusively. sure i the bbeginning there were some hard times with the lack of entertainment and section of PS3 exclusives but I never gave up hope. after two years of waiting sony is back with a large line up of powerful games. Infamous right now is the well known one which size and graphics can only be ran smoothly with the PS3's blue-ray. The next is Kill zone 2 the graphics on this game alone would kill the wii and make an 360 struggle on full resolution it's also a fun and challenging shooter. I put in the new ff because it was firts announced for the PS3 and frankly I think it should stay but well you know it's story and game-play will leave us all breathless and graphic in ahhh. Finlay on my list is God of war 3 there is nothing to really say because it's going to be so great that trying to summarise it will only put it down. Now there are a lot more that I could explain but why not look for your self and for you 360 owners I'm not making fun of the 360 I'm just a huge Sony fan. Though you wii owners out there why why do you bother with that system? Now all you PS3 owners be proud to say you own one because it's a proud time for sony and your PS3.

Is hard and disapointing to keep up with game info

I'm losing it my game info is falling back I can't catch up. It seems that games today aren't what they use to be stories lack a lot of loving plot and game-play is dieing there have been diamond in the ruff but there Turing into dust. What is the point any more if games just aren't as enjoyable it even hard for me to get through a game now without being truly bored Bioshok was the last true game that made me truly happy were have all the good games gone. I need a new outlet or maybe I need to get deeper into the gaming industry what do you guys think if you care help. :?

My aime of the week (Disgeae)

Starting today I will be Reviewing and tell in you once a week about a Aime favorite or not so favorite of mine. My plan is to have you Aime veterans find new exiting material and for the beginners fun episodes to get you started on the track.I have a rating system by stars and level of Aime. the star system well tell you the rating from must see to never came out on DVD. The next system is the level system from one to ten ti will tell you if you should watch this Aime or not like someone who has never seen an Aime in their life should start out with a one or two veterans a 6 or 7 and thoughts of you worthy of it 10 be prepared to not under stand it.

My first Aime is Disgeae a hard to find in stores so I found it on line. This is the Aime series made after the first Disgeae game in 2003. It's main story line is that of the game but also is a little bit different in setting. The netherworld is in chaos after the lord of the real dies. Two years later the son of this lord and predecessor to the throne(Laharal) awakens to discover that he had been asleep for two years and sets out back to the castle to reclaim his throne. Accompanying him is his Vasili Etna (Demon) how is as maniacal as a daemon gets and next I Flonne an angle in training sent to assassinate the lord of the netherworld king krajeskoy only to fined his is already dead and accidental stubble's apron the grave or Laural and the story picks up from there. That is all I can relay say I'm only on episode 7 of 12 but it is funny as can be the jocks just don't stop. I have one little thing to say though it's only in Japanese so I hope you can read subtitles and don;t worry it's worth it relay. To warn you it take three episodes to relay get sucked in and the story to start going but aime lovers and fans of the game will love it and see simulates to the original and psp game. If you whant to see part of the first episode got to the url at the bottem of the list.

4/6 Four star is great but not perfect I relay like a must see

Level: 04 I give it a four because it's in Japanese and is not well known the game though dose help so its a good aime for veterans and people that have dived into aime before:D

(But not beginners) :(


I finaly have a PS3

Over the Spring break I acquired a PS3 though I only have little big planet for the system I plan to make my collection a lot larger, but a sad little is in the back of my mined now that I own every game feeling console I feel as though gaming is losing it's touch for me and I don't know how much more time I can waste just sitting if front of a screen and sure I have other hobbies It just that gaming is dieing slowly in my heart. :|

All the 90's songs you forgot about

I found it, for all you people that were born in the 90's I have found the lost bands that were one hit wonders and just seem to diapered and not very many people can remember what or who they were. I have here a list of the artist that I have wonderfully found and with the name of the song to reminded you who they are so go you tube them and remember the 90's alternative/Rock and just 90's Rock.8)

1. (All the small things) by Blink 182

2. (100 years) by Five for Fighting

3. (wonderwall) by oasis

4. (lullaby) by Shawn Mullins

5. (semi-charmed life) by Third Eye Blined

6. one headlight) by Wallflowers

7. (runaway train) by Soul Asylum

8. (walk on the ocen) by Toad the Wet Sprocket

9. (my own worst enemy) by Lit

10. (what I got) by Sublime

Changes to my collection of games and usage

If you noticed or ever look at my game collection I have had a large and unusual amount of game. In the beginning I would put games that I owned and previously or borrowed from my Friends, but I have made sure that all the game on my collection are mine and I own them all at present and future time. I have chosen to clean it up so I even know what games I own and so that I feel as though I can proudly show my true collection of games without feeling like a fake in my own way.:D

I also am going to pick up my usage more and come update my blog to wrighting more reviews so that I can stay on top of things ad so aney one who reads this can well I don't know read more. I am slowly moving out of my my space face and back to the gamespot that I love.


I just can't stop right after I beat Bioshock I have to play it again it's to fun But I think I'm gradualy getting of it affter I get my brassballs achevment.

Pikman o Pikman were did we go wrong

When I first herd that Pikman were coming to the wii my shred of hope in the consle restored, but now I don't know. I have hered that it's a new instalment to the sieris a Pikman 3 that is what I wanted, but I have also herd that it is just one being brought over to the wii. I love pikman I realy do that is what truly made me like and is now the only thing I like about nintendo. If they keep makeing crapy games of remaking games just for the wii I will lose it, I just hope that pikman 3 is what is coming so I don't burn the obomination that is a wii.
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