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souledge959 Blog

Be carfull with chiken fights in at a pool you just might fracture your spine

Last Friday I was at my friends pool party and it was packed so hay I guess I could fit right in and I did. A few hours in the hotube with some hot girls did me good. you know easy on the eyes is great but hard on the shoulders. Most of us deiced that it would be fun for a chicken fight and one girl was easy we couldn't be defeated, so I got cocky and saw if I could put two one on each shoulder, ya not good Holding individual wights on each arm was tuff to keep balance or stay up, and then the next thing was this large crack I herd before falling over face first with to a*s crashing into my face. Well Saturday passed and Sunday I was fine, but o god when Monday hit my ribcage was in pain the mussels around it were not that cooperative so I played spore for the rest of the day and went in to get a x-ray of my spine. Well I got the results back today and had a hairline fracture on my spine and so I'm off from school today to take it easy.;)

I'm Back

Ahhhhhhhhhh I'm back beeing a camp staff is fun but away from electronics is murdder for 6 weeks without my PSP I would have died but I'm open for buieness.

leaving for 6 weeks

Sorry for anyone who actualy reads my blogs but I will be leaving I work as a counseler at a boysout camp for six weeks. Ye sI know I said boyscout camp but the pay is good and I will be able to get a new PS3 when I get back. If any one wants to contact seand a message or comment on my stuff well do it soon becuase I leave the 6/29/08 in the morring so I might not be able to view anthing, but I will be home for one weekend and might get a chance to cheak on my account.

x box games and the x box 360

AHHHHHHHHH I can't take it any more. I use my 360 to play the xboxs games I didnt get around to and I have had so many problems with sound and reaction time it's not funny. urrrrrrrgggg the latest game I'v been playing is K.O.T.O.R.S.L it is falty anoing and soumd is killing me but it's so fun that i have to keep playing it. if any one out there has the smae problem help me I'm dieing here.

fable 2

I can't wate I need to have fable two I just played through fables the 10 time. I'v been wating at lest for a estemented realise date and I mean know. We have heared all the great things that lionhead is going to do but I want to see when I can use them, so stop telling us and make it a reality PS: sorry for all spelling errors it was never my strong sute.
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