[QUOTE="soulreaper-4"] [QUOTE="gamer082009"][QUOTE="Santesyu"]
but people are acting like if the PS3 where the most expensive electronic on earth
At one point it was gaming wise...lmao.I know..and the price stayed expensive wayy too long. People without knolege of PC Gaming may have tought the PS3 was expensive but in reality Sony have taken out a lot of thing from the original model in order to lower the price. For example: The SD slots, The integrated full backwar compatabilitie, two usb's, power supply switch, touch pannel buttons, the casing have been changed with a cheapear one of lower quality, etc. $300.00 is a low price considering what you can do with it and the price of the Wii and all the hiden prices of the 360. Xbox 360 =$ 200 ( The cheap one) = $100 hard drive + $100 Wi-Fi adapter + 50 a year for online service + $25 charging kits for controllers = $475.00. Look at the actual price of a 360 and then compare it with the PS3. That really makes a difference plus the PS3 still have Blueray player. Remember the era of $100 dollars consoles have ended unless Sony and Microsoft decide to eliminate more features and make the consoles very unreliable. Why people doesn't care buying overpriced things like the Ipad, Iphone or Ipod?
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