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#1 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

[QUOTE="soulreaper-4"] [QUOTE="gamer082009"][QUOTE="Santesyu"]


but people are acting like if the PS3 where the most expensive electronic on earth

At one point it was gaming wise...lmao.

I know..and the price stayed expensive wayy too long.

People without knolege of PC Gaming may have tought the PS3 was expensive but in reality Sony have taken out a lot of thing from the original model in order to lower the price. For example: The SD slots, The integrated full backwar compatabilitie, two usb's, power supply switch, touch pannel buttons, the casing have been changed with a cheapear one of lower quality, etc. $300.00 is a low price considering what you can do with it and the price of the Wii and all the hiden prices of the 360. Xbox 360 =$ 200 ( The cheap one) = $100 hard drive + $100 Wi-Fi adapter + 50 a year for online service + $25 charging kits for controllers = $475.00. Look at the actual price of a 360 and then compare it with the PS3. That really makes a difference plus the PS3 still have Blueray player. Remember the era of $100 dollars consoles have ended unless Sony and Microsoft decide to eliminate more features and make the consoles very unreliable. Why people doesn't care buying overpriced things like the Ipad, Iphone or Ipod?
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#2 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

When will all this nonsense end? I'm tired of hearing the same thing, the manufacture cost of the PS3 has went down, Sony is losing less money on each PS3, The PS3 takes this much money to manufacture now, Newest PS3 units will be lighter. Come on people stop this nonsense. This seems like a bunch of spy's or news peoplechasingand investigating Sony to tell the public these kind of things so people that doesn't have one wait to see if they drop the price and lunch a better one. This will be one of the most unforgettable generation of consoles in my opinion not because of the great games but because of this nonsense.

I not referring to you OP but people are acting like if the PS3 where the most expensive electronic on earth wile some of them thing they are getting a N64 or PS1. I haven't heard a single time and this frequent manufacture costs and changes information with the other competitors. The Wii is only a little bit more powerful than the GameCube, it is more like an update and no one is telling how much Nintendo is gaining and how much they take to manufacture plus no one cares. The same goes for the 360 no one cares how much they cost to manufacture and how much Microsoft is earning.

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#3 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

I have never liked Wario games.

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#5 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

Are the marks seen when you take pictures of the disc? If so try uploading them here. Or just do what dkrustyklown and give Nintendo a call.

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#6 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

Can more people give me an opinion about this?

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#7 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts


I just checked my Wii games. Only one, The Conduit, has the circle that you describe. I think that, at least in my case, it was caused not by the Wii but by the cheap game case that HVS used.

None of my 1st party games have the ring. If your 1st party games have the ring, then you might want to give Nintendo a call to ask for some advice. Nintendo customer service people are some of the friendliest and most helpful people you will ever have the pleasure of speaking with.

My nephew was having a hard time with NSMB Wii (he's only 6 years old), and out of frustration, he took out the game disc and bit it. Then he tried to blame it on the dog, even though the teeth marks were clearly those of a human 6 year old. My sister called Nintendo to buy a replacement disc, and the CSR's were so moved by the fact that they had never replaced a disc for being bitten that they waived the disc replacement fee and only charged her for shipping.

I worked many years in the customer service industry, and I must say that Nintendo CSR's represent some of the finest skills around. I have never heard anything negative about Nintendo customer service.

It's not a ring.

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#8 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

Hello everyone. It's been some months since i've been with a doubt that's preventing me from playing New Super Mario Bros. Wii and Tatsunoko vs Capcom. After i got Tatsunoko vs Capcom i took a looka at the botton of some of my wii game discs under a light and noticed that they have some very little line marks at the center of the plastic hub around the hole were it touches the center of the cases and spindle motor. They look like like very little minor straight lines scratches that radiates ant light reflection, specially under a bulb.

I'm not sure if they develope this over time and if it is normal, that's why i am asking for help here. I don't want to spend $70 plus dollars to send it to Nintendo with the rysk of receiving a letter telling me: Hey your Wii was OK. I have called Nintendo numerous times and they have told me that if the Wii scratches games it will be perfectly circular around the area that have data. They even told me that as long as the games are playing my Wii is okay. Even with this info i still have my doubts.

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#9 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

The last game i got was Pokemon SoulSilver.

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#10 soulreaper-4
Member since 2007 • 2247 Posts

My original launch 60 GB used to do that when i'd had it for about 2 years so i decided to sell it before it went ylod on me.

Here we go again! Another misinformed persone scaring people. When are people going to understand that the yellow light means an internal component is not working, it can be anything from the GPU, CPU, Fan, PowerSupply, cables, Discdrive, Lens etc. it doesn't mean is a mass problem.