@arqe @iempire68 @Karciomad @spartanx169x For me it has nothing to do with sony. I see the Kinect as pointless and inefficient at best and annoying as hell at times. the same is true for the PS eye.
The guy basically said in the last paragraph that the Kinect will not used during game play. So the Kinect will only be used to look thru menus and profiles. Pointless. And I agree with the guy for games that are all about precision and skill the controller will beat the Kinect .
a quick search showed bestbuy had approximately 600 stores. With a guess of 500 per store(I'm being generous). that would be about 300,000 and with a 300 per store count, that would be about 180,000. A search on Game stop showed they had well over 4000 stores with lets say 400 per store(I confirmed this at a store). that comes to 1.6 million.Those are rough numbers, but just the store comparision alone, shows PS in the lead. I may be off a little with the 4000 , it may be off by as much as 1000, but still comparable.
@Kr0w1Nc4rNa73 @flamingboard The NSA has no real use for getting ALL the phone records of EVERY cell phone in America on a daily basis, it is completely "silly ". Yet they do it.
spartanx169x's comments