This article kind of isolates gamers into certain types. This test would only work for people who don't play much games. A proper gamer plays all types of games except maybe one genre. I mean , I play Killzone, Resistance, Uncharted, League of Legends, Need For Speed, Forza, GT5, Red Dead Redemption, GTA, Saints Row, Gears of War, Halo 4, Osu!, Rhythm Heaven, Guitar Hero, Mass Effect, Final Fantasy, Kingdom Hearts, Tales Of series, Tekken , Street Fighter , King of Fighters, Cut The Rope, Fruit Ninja, NBA Jam, NBA2k12, Far Cry, Dishonored, Journey, Braid, Limbo, Hotline Miami, Metal Slug, Hard Corps: Rising, Mark of the Ninja, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, DMC, Bayonetta, Ninja Gaiden, even Onechanbara :P, Metal Gear, Hitman, Splinter Cell, Mirror's edge, Elite Beat Agents etc. I could go on but you get the idea. And , I also have 24 Platinums on PS3 and over 1000 matches on League of Legends, so you get my point. Everything depends on the game.
Looks like HD Monster Hunter and well thats a good thing but seeing the same kind of enemies in the same place , I just hope it doesn't go dynasty warriors path , spam slashing gameplay .
@hesoyamdon Iam a guy who always uses MOVE where supported and I'll be honest with you , its alot easier , I've had 75% accuracy and above in the chapters of Re5 Gold Edition . I use it in Resistance 3 and used to play KZ3 online with it ( no longer with me ) . And , I would mostly be the top scorer especially in KZ3 . Well I also played through InFamous 2 and Festival of Blood but really , I didn't have any trouble and I felt alot accurate but yeah , I can't play while lying down or resting but thats the case AND I also play Wii , so could be me. Well , I don't have Sorcery yet but going from the demo , the shooting mechanic was really neat .
nathace , I don't think you have a ps3 because no , you don't have to install any game , its upto you if you want to install it to decrease loading times but when you start a game the first it does install some files but that also happens in xbox , right?
Agreed prsr4000 but the reason multiplatform games don't look better on ps3 is that they are ported to ps3 from xbox360 not completely made again on ps3 devkit but as for exclusives they take advantage of ps3's cell processor and blu-ray massive space. So well if you really want to compare both consoles , compare their exclusives , why? because they are made on them and are made to use of the certain console's hardware
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