I think the one in hospital is Solidus Snake and the one on the bike shown with the group Diamond Dogs is the original Big Boss since his arm looks perfectly fine. But again , I could be wrong, the sharpnel on his head indicates some injury, maybe the one from the hospital? It could be, that we are just shown Big Boss only. I don't know , too confused but very excited for this game.
Even though I didn't mind KZ3's take on the weight feel and played its multiplayer alot , the feeling of the guns' weight is something that really made KZ2 unique and added a level of tension to its shooting mechanics, especially in multiplayer. I still remember playing for the top 1% of the week and earning the platinum on KZ2. KZ3 ? not so much but no doubt it was a great game too.
@jchristenberry Your avatar tells me , because of The Witcher 2 release, you were disappointed. Anyhow , PS3 has the most and the best exclusives this generation.
Heavy Rain, Beyond Two Souls, 3D Dot Game Heroes, MAG, Tokyo Jungle, Starhawk, Warhawk, The Last of US, Until Dawn, Time Crisis series, Heavenly Rain, Atelier series, LittleBigPlanet series, Modnation, Resistance series, Gran Turismo 5, Motorstorm series, Demon Souls, Ni No Kuni, Valkyria Chronicles, InFamous series, Uncharted series, Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, PS-All Stars, Journey, Sound Shapes, MGS 4, Flower, Dead Nation, Tales of Xillia, Ratchet and Clank series, Killzone series, White Knight Chronicles SOCOM series, Puppeteer, Record of Agarest War 2 Yakuza series, Disgaea series, Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm and numerous PS Move games
On the PC side , there are mostly F2Ps with the exception of games such as Diablo , Starcraft 2, Guild Wars 2, Team Fortress 2, Civilization series, Total War Shogun 2. Iam honestly not well aware of most the exclusives on PC so excuse me.
On the Xbox side, Gears of War series, Halo series, Forza series, PGR, Dance Central series, Naruto Rise of A Ninja and Naruto The Broken Bond, numerous Kinect games, Alan Wake and Witcher 2 (PC+X360), Dust: An Elysian Tale, Blue Dragon,Tales of Vesperia, Crackdown series, Too Human, Ace Combat 6, The Idolmaster series, Infinite Undiscovery, Ninety-Nine Nights series Lost Oydessy, Fable series, Dead or Alive 4.
Iam still missing some XBLA titles but as you can see , PS3 has the biggest and the most exclusives.
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