cool i hope there is a pc version and i hope they dont dickslap the pc community across the face again with their completely disrespectful release of dark souls 1. Some dude had to do the work just to get the game to run above 1024x768. Work that the dev's should have done to begin with. I do however really like the game and gameplay
My modem just reset and took about 20 minutes to come back online (not a big deal i know).. but without even realizing it i got up out of my computer chair and and picked up my xbox controller.. it just hit me that console gaming is what i do when the internet goes out!! Oh god this could be BAD
So if we don't buy used games and buy them new just like microsoft wants.. Doesnt this just put more money into the hands of the games developers? How does buying a game new (as opposed to used) put more money in the hands of microsoft? I understand it broadens the user-base but cant this be achieved just as well (or even better) by the passing down of pre-owned games? Im going to go ahead and guess that microsoft only gets a cut if the game is sold new.. but it seems like an extreme gamble to do all of this just to make a few more bucks (so they can afford the FJ-16 private jet rather than the FJ-15)
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