does anyone mind making me an avvie, i really dont care twhat it is as long as it is unique and really cool that is 70x70
also i need a banner too use for a blog header
i would liek these characters in it
Link, zelda, mario, luigi, samus, for, roy, master chief, megatron, a ninja from tencho, an assasign from assassins creed, pikachu, sora, shadowrun elf, giutarist off rockband, bomberman, pinate from viva pinata,animal crossing dog, final fantasy chartater (any). anymore cool guys that will fit is fine i would also like it too say xbl: whoami40 and wii fc: none this will all need too be 970 wide x 200 tall
and where can i find programs that will allow me too make avis, and sigs
You could download gimp for free or buy adobe photoshop. Those are the two most commonly used.
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