Thank god I found this thread. I was going through the first few pages of topics and I wasn't surprised to see that something like The Mist, an example of a great horror film, wasn't getting the same attention as something tired like the Saw franchise. Here's my bit about it.
I just saw this earlier today and I loved it. This is no doubt my favorite horror film of the year. I was very surprised at how great it was, because I never paid much attention to it and I basically went on a whim. It has the typical Stephen King "stick everyone together during a disaster and watch chaos erupt", but it is something that always works with me. The acting is exceptional all around, with Thomas Jane as the lead doing well and Marcia Gay Harden is amazing as the religious psycho. The monsters were effective and I liked not seeing them fully for awhile. Sure, some of the CGI was very obvious, but it didn't bother me too much. For the most part, I was sucked right into the film and I felt like I was there. Also, there were explanations in the film for sure, but not enough to make you fully see the cause of it all, which is what I like. The ending was exceptional and I was very happy with the downbeat, bittersweet if you will, feel to it. Best horror film of the year and it has a key ingredient that too many horror films lack these days: seriousness. It took itself seriously and that's why it is above everything else this year. 9.5/10
I don't agree that it is the best horror film of the decade, when there are strong contenders like Haute Tension, The Descent, Session 9, Kairo (original Pulse), Ju-on, The Eye, A Tale of Two Sisters(my personal pick for the decade), Calvaire (The Ordeal), Shutter, The Devil's Rejects, The Host, and Behind the Mask: The Rise of Leslie Vernon all staking some claim to that title, but I think it would definitely make my top 10 of the decade.
This seriously makes me think I might go see it. And since I clicked on your username and all I saw in your blog was stuff about horror movies, I think you have some credibility.:P
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