hey zeke! As you can probably tell the union is quiet, but it never dies. welcome to FFE
squalls_revival's forum posts
I've played 2 mmorpgs in my life: ff11 and WoW and well I really couldn't get into either of them... but I will certainly give ff14 a try it looks good, at least the fmv's do :P
this is an amazing site that analyzes the world of final fantasy 7.. also very amazing audiobooks with voice actors from the final fantasy fan community
I just read an article that says theses two games are actually connected, but there is thousands of years between them. Shinra from final fantasy 7 is named after shinra from ffx. Shinras relatives went into space and landed on gaia and then created the shinra corporation. This is confirmed by the games creators. Look at the similarities between the bevelle underground and midgar. There are also missions that show how Rin and shinra start to work together. With rins finances shinra is able to analyze the farplane and then generations after him are able to use the vegnagun to siphon the farplane and use the energy as a resource. This technology is then used on gaia to suck out the lifestream. MIND BLOWN
final fantasy 9 is amazing, I recently loaded up 7 just to have a quick play of that.. got maybe 2 hours into it, and I still love it. The graphics are still artistic and beautiful to this day.. I like how I can take a month off of final fantasy xiii-2 and come back and still get into it.
I think the overall message is reminscant of final fantasy. The game basically covers every major issue today. like ff7 covered major issues. Terrorism/avalanche, oil/mako/lifestream... ffxiii has fal'cie and then proto falcie which is a new issue. Countries like china are building there own "Gods" time travel and dimensions/ this is quantum physics.. basically ff13 is ff7 with themes of the 21st century.
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