Hey everyone! A couple of days ago I posted a blog to let people ask questions on anything they felt like asking, and I had said that I would answer them in a couple of days. Well here are my answers to your interesting and some very hard questions.
Q: What is your favourite song from a game?
A: I have to admit, thats a very good question compared to your stupid 9 + 14 question, which is 23 by the way.:P
For a song that has been created exlusively for a game series or a game, I would say Overworld from the Super Mario Bros. series. I know it's probably one of tht most popular songs ever, but it's a pure awesome single to me.
For a game with songs from various artists, I would say Red Flag from Billy Talent. Its just a crazy song, and it goes perfectly with a crash crazy game like Burnout.
Q: Your fav movie, and ur worst movie???
A: I think those are some pretty easy questions to answer.
My favourite movie is probably The Dark Knight. The acting is just mind-blasting, and Heath Ledger was just plain awesome. The directing was also great, and the viduals were tremendous.
The worst movie is definately Speed Racer. It looks really corny, and so is the racing. The acting is no better, and the movie turned out into a major flop. Well thats what I think atleast.
Q: Do you trade in games?
A: Yes, in fact I do, but very rarely because most of the games I own, I can play lots of times, on and on and on...
Q: Which do you prefer: Males or Females?
A: This is an even better example of a pointless question, but I'll answer it anyways. I love girls, no I adore girls, no I want to.... I + G =:oops:
There's the answer to your question.
Q: Which Zelda game is your favourite?
A: Thats a really hard question to answer. My two choices for the best are probably Majora's Mask and Twilight Princess. But since I can only pick one, I'm gonna have to say Majora's Mask. Twilight Princess tends to get a bit dry at some points, and that doesn't really amuse me.:P While Majora's mask has a riviting story-line, with amazing visuals for the N64.
By the way, I can only answer two of your questions, so I'm gonna have to go with the two easiest.:P
Q: Which is ur fav game?
A: My favourite game of all time is probably SSBB. I know some people might not agree with this choice, but I have been a fan of SSB since the N64 version, and I couln't ever stop playing! It never got boring, and the game just got even better everytime it advanced from the N64, to the GC, to the present, Wii.
Q: Which gaming genre u like?
A: I'm gonna have to go with fighting/adventure type of games. Right now I'm playing Zelda: Twilight Princess, and it's an aswesome game! I also like SSBB, because it has adventure modes, and the game has the word Brawl in it, so you probably know why I like this game so much.:P
Well, I hope I did a good job of answering your questions. If you have any comments on my answers, feel free to comment on anything I said.
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