I've got $250 and I've decided its time to get a 360, perferably an elite. Were can I find a WORKING used elite for that price? Would it be more worth it to just save and buy a new one?
stEElyDaN909's forum posts
Your team will get wiped by Cynthia's Garchomp. I'd recommend getting empoleon up to around late 50s and teaching it ice beam or blizzard or something like that.
Your Moltres looks like it's the most potent thing on your team, so keep that alive and sacrifice other monster to revive it.
Raise the rest of your team to around 50 and you should be set :)
Platinum is better than D/P in pretty much every way, except if you perfer certain exclusive pokemon (Like glameow. That thing was an ingame beast on my pearl version once it evolved.) If you already have platinum you don't really need to get d/p as well, and if you don't have any of them, get platinum.
If you think hacking is unethical and you have the patience for it, you can easily trade for a monster not in your version and breed it.
Nothing will ever be as awesome as Charizard, Venusaur and Blastoise though. :)livinitup01This guy knows what he's talking about :P
MP:H is, for me, the definitive online title for the DS, and the only fps worth my time on the entire system. I've played a little bit of the CODs and even a little bit of Moon, and MP:H still beats both of them, even though it's around 2 years older.
What I would really like is a DSi exclusive MP:H sequel that really took advantage of the system's greater abilities, especially the graphics and processing power.
-Fire Blast
-Dynamic Punch
^this was my ingame typhlosion back in crystal, and it was an uncontrollable beast.
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