@validifyed: I never said it uses the full OS, just that it uses Windows. Perhaps I should have been more specific.
And I don't think they'll just slap W10 onto a premade PC, call it an Xbox, and sell it. The whole point of console gaming is simplicity. Turning them into 1:1 PC clones eliminates that purpose. And I would assume we're both adults, so drop the childish "Micro$oft" thing. It makes me take you less seriously (unless you're a kid, then carry on).
@jdlok: From a "big" company? No it hasn't. In fact, the only time we've seen a system get a performance boost with new hardware midway through the gen since the 32X was when Nintendo released the New 3DS. I expect to see more of this in the future.
@validifyed: It's a derivative of W10. Similar to how the older tablets used special kernels of W8. If MD proceeds with this, I wouldn't be surprised if they just use a very simplified version of Windows.
May as well kill the PSP altogether. You can play PSP games on smartphones better than you could on the PSP itself. Slap on a moga pad and it's superior in every way.
stage4saiyan's comments