@XdavidCAzen23x @adrianjarca @stan_boyd I haven't read the papers so I don't know for a fact that MS is supporting this program. Also what are you using right now to post on this site, I hope its not an apple or pc since you said we must not support the companies that are supporting this prism thing.
@XdavidCAzen23x @stan_boyd From your PROOF article that microsoft is helping spy
"Microsoft said it only turned over data when served with a court order: "We provide customer data only when we receive a legally binding order or subpoena to do so, and never on a voluntary basis. In addition we only ever comply with orders for requests about specific accounts or identifiers. If the government has a broader voluntary national security program to gather customer data we don't participate in it.""
@TeoKot yeah and in rise its a finisher as well, watch the video again some enemies they didn't bother to finish with the qtes. But really I could care less cause Ryse isn't one of the games I am interested in as it looks like god of war which I have gotten sick of.
@adrianjarca @stan_boyd I dunno how much I believe the snowden thing, it seems odd to go and make a video about it rather than releasing the info in a way that wouldn't be so umm revealing to the NSA. Like secret identity and blurred face etc.
@TeoKot @stan_boyd @Nova_Prime_85 every enemy in god of war has a qte as well so how is it a side thing in gow but not ryse? fanboyism. I know this by the way because I have every single god of war game and when I beat the enemies down I am prompted to do a qte when their health is low.
@adrianjarca no the real entertainment is the conspiracy theories in the comments, like spying kinects and microsoft just waiting til it sells a bunch of units and then suddenly laughing and hitting them all with a drm update.
@XdavidCAzen23x @stan_boyd all you have provided is rumors, no hard facts. I read those two links you gave and there is no hard evidence just rumors and denials.
@XdavidCAzen23x @stan_boyd and where can I find these leaked papers saying that microsoft is helping the government spy on people. I can also say that there is leaked papers that prove the alien landing is roswell without actually providing any proof of the papers.
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