@arc_salvo @stan_boyd @dr_jashugan @thequickshooter those contracts are somewhat bullshit, they cannot take away right even with a contract.I once signed a conrract saying i wouldn't work for another tire company for 6 months if I left my job, then I got an offer from another company and I asked a lawyer about it and he laughed and said the company I worked for couldn't actually stop me and that it was just a threat that couldn't be followed through
@Mendax2013 @stan_boyd @thequickshooter mine does not play ps2 games. and i originally sold my ps2 to help pay for ps3 only to turn around and have to rebuy a ps2 which was bullshit
@Mendax2013 @thequickshooter because sony are liars to so i play both and give no loyalties. remember when sony promised ps3 would be backwards compatible.
@jts1891 @perkypossum in some cases the graphics were actually better than on the ps4, such as with skyrim cause the xbox was an easier system to program for
@Ahmi20 @stan_boyd @ricardo_santos naw they get other remarkable games as well, I have both xbox and ps3 and I love them both, they both have great games.
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