@warhawk-geeby "A) the ability to technically bring it back at any time (which understandably they likely won't, but what's to stop publishers like EA making it mandatory for certain titles?), but more importantly"
sony has stated that individual publishers can add their own drm's into their games still on the ps4 so there isn't really any difference there.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd naw i just think sony fanboys are just as ridiculous as xbox fanboys, the companies make the systems sure but its the games that are what matter an both companies make great games
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd at least they were always forthcoming though, I didn't know that only some ps3's were B/C and sold my ps2 but not my games to go towards the ps3, then guess what I had to buy a PS2 again.
@Dan11223344 @stan_boyd nope I don't understand the whole console war since I just play the games, I don't give a rats ass about sony or microsoft, just the games the devs make.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd I sold my ps2 to go towards my ps3, pissed me off royally when I found out it wasn't backwards compatible as they originally said.
@Dan11223344 @Keitha313 can someone tell me why sony told us ps3 would be backwards compatible and then changed their minds after launch? its not like xbox is the only company who does stupid things, at least they listened and dropped the drm. My ps3 still isn't backwards compatible as was originally promised. both companies are just as bad as the other for making dumb ass decisions.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd I dunno if you have a 360 or not, if you do there is an xbla title that reminded me of the good ol days of river city ransom, its Scott Pilgrim vs the World. Awesome game for about 10 bucks.
@Bubble_Man @stan_boyd I have to get an xbone as Forza looks AMAZING, so far I haven't seen anything on ps4 that I must have, but I know there will be since Naughty Dog only does PS
@racerxgundam wii-u is iffy for me, I have a wii, but only my roommates daughter plays it when she comes over for the weekends. I originally got it just for fire emblem and zelda but I haven't touched the thing myself now for about 2 years, before I contemplate a wii-u they are gonna have to make something truly amazing or bring back a series that hasn't been seen in forever like Battletoads or River City Ransom.
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