@racerxgundam @stan_boyd @warhawk-geeby I know that the technology is still in the system, I wasn't talking about that, I was referring to his question about what is stopping publishers from doing DRM. Not MS not Sony but EA or Activision etc, they can still do DRM on either system. Its your reading comprehension that is flawed since I quoted a specific passage of his writing and only responded to that specific topic, not his whole write up. Sony has said, if developers want to add DRM's to their games they can, but no Sony game will have drm's. Diablo 3 may be coming to PS3 or 4 and I can almost guarantee it will have a drm.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd @warhawk-geeby that was one of his concerns I will quote him again
"but what's to stop publishers like EA making it mandatory for certain titles?"
this is all I was talking about, not his whole post just the reference to what is stopping publishers for having drms, to which the answer is nothing, on both systems. Sony has already announced that publishers can do as they please however no SONY games will have drm.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd @warhawk-geeby ugh racer don't bother responding to me you have no idea what I am saying, dude said he was still concerned that on xbox ea and other devs may try and get away with drm's, so I said that they are doing it with BOTH systems, publishers can still make games on both systems that have either online drms or online passes, sony has said it and so has microsoft, I am not saying microsoft is better, I am simply pointing out that he isn't any safer from the individual publishers adding drms with either system.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd @warhawk-geeby take off the sony glasses and you will see that sony still has drm in their system as well at the publishers discretion, its up to the publishers not sony or ms now.
@racerxgundam @warhawk-geeby @stan_boyd ok I was only responding to "but what's to stop publishers like EA making it mandatory for certain titles?), this is already implemented on current systems and sony and microsoft have both said that publishers can still implement it.
@Dan11223344 @stan_boyd well thats fine if you have no loyalty and can only afford one, I just think the people who are all about xbox or all about sony are silly, you know the sony boys who say xbox is crap and the xbox boys that say sony is crap. really both systems are good and both have great titles.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd @warhawk-geeby um thats what I just said, he said that publishers on xbox might still have drms, but so will sony, take off your sony glasses.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd the fact they are getting rid of drm is enough for me, i was gonna pass on the xbox because of the drm, but now that they are dropping it I got no reason not to get one as well as a ps4, just don't know which to get first, will wait til I see the launch titles.
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