am I the only person on gamespot who plans on buying both systems and is loyal to no one company? all I care about is the games, sony and ms are just a means for me to play those games, the companies themselves I couldn't care less about, just give me good games.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd @Par4doX_ I remember sony saying that ps3 was gonna be backwards compatible, then I bought my sony about a year after it was released and guess what, no backwards compatibility, so ummm guess they are shit and I should toss my ps3 out the window and not get a ps4 even though I want the games on it. Can't trust a company that lies, at least xbox didn't really lie they were very forthcoming with the drm.
@Par4doX_ @racerxgundam I like both sony and ms, they both have good games that the other doesn't brand name means nothng to me its all about the games.
@kamran_100mph @stan_boyd I am getting both ps4 and xbone, I just think its funny how people are raging over the fact that xbone actually listened and removed the drm instead of saying good job thanks for not being dicks.
@racerxgundam @stan_boyd I am just saying neither company are angels, i plan on getting both systems, not sure which first gonna have to see what games are being released at launch, but there is so much hate for xbox even though they have decided to get rid of the drm, people should be saying, good job instead they are saying fu xbox. maybe they should of kept the drm, seems people are hating on them even more for removing it.
@shahabimahmud you forgot to mention some of the other features of xbox such as the built in Kinect as well as being able to directly record your games via twitch right from the system.
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