This is both good and bad news for me, while I hate the idea of drms I did find the idea of the family shared thing cool, I have friends and family that have moved away and the idea of being able to share my games with 10 of them sounded kinda cool. I could of bought battlefield 4 for example and my buddy kris who is a 4 hour flight away from me now could of played it with me without buying his own copy. Sadly that is now gone, so once again if I wanna play a game with a friend of mine they are gonna have to buy the same games I do.
@princegord2 @stan_boyd I never trust a chris review, all a good review from chris means is that he got to shoot lots of people and therefore it is awesome.
@shadiezz2012 @stan_boyd @RedneckJazz So whats your point, that just because other reviews gave it a 10 then GS is obligated to as well? I could care less about scores, really why I come to gamespot is I find they point out the good and the bad about every game no matter what the score is. Thats all I care about, this site gave too human a 5.5 when I personally really love it and prob would have given it a 8 or higher. Tom just didn't have the same experience with the game as many others have, he values gameplay over plot or graphics which is why he gives games like Mario Galaxy high scores, if he reviewed heavy rain he prob would have given it a 2 since its more watching then playing.
@shadiezz2012 @stan_boyd @RedneckJazz I don't think people don't have a right to an opinion I am responding to people who say tom has no right to his own opinion which is the same as saying noone has a right to their own opinion. I do actually like this game cause the story and characters are enthalling, People keep saying that just because IGN gave this game a 10 then gamespot MUST give this a game a 10.
@princegord2 chris balanced? seriously tell me you are joking, all he cares about is whether you can shoot people, he is the same guy who keeps giving the CoD's their high scores, and every other shooter he reviews.
@blue900 @stan_boyd @johnritter4141 sure except some of my cousins and friends now live in other cities or provinces (i am canadian) my best friend now lives in alberta cause he works on the oil rigs and I live in bc, its a 3 hour flight between us and about 16 hour drive.
@sacatash DRM is also possible to be turned on for both Playstation and PC as well, all they have to do is include codes in the game package that if you don't enter them in then you don't get the content. Just the same as it is now with current DRMs/
@Infinite_Access @stan_boyd @megaspiderweb09 That isn't the only AI thing I am talking about, I am also talking about human gaurds walking right past their friends dead bodies and not even caring. Even if you don't like the dead guy I would still be worried that whatever killed him moments ago could still be lurking around and could try and kill me next so I would raise an alarm for sure. Even in deus ex back in the year 2000 gaurds raised alarms when they saw a dead body.
@wavelength121 @dj_tiesto_9000 um less of a micheal bay film than battlefield, are you sure you are playing call of duty, you know jumping off cliffs in a snow mobile into a chopper, or jumping from a rooftop into a chopper and only getting caught at the last second by one arm and hanging on for dear life. As for multiplayer I can't compare them, they are both similar yet very different.
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