@finalkain @racerxgundam @stan_boyd I go to future shop which is owned by best buy, there is no best buy in my town, us silly canadians and our maple smoked bacon and lack of best buys
Of couse Leechstop is happy about this, now they can keep on giving us 10 bucks for a game and then reselling for 5 dollars less a brand new title giving them about 400% profit and screwing over the gamers.
@b74kd3th i dunno still kinda sketchy, true we don't need to log on to the net to play disc based games now, but what about digital, is it saved to my harddrive or to cloud, do I have to be online to play digital games at all times? Is there a built in wireless modem? The modem in my house is in my roommates bedroom and my current xbox doesn't have a wireless modem so I have to drag my system into his room and hook it up to his tv so that I can download anything.
@megaspiderweb09 @heroesfan261 why when anyone has a different opinion of any game does it always turn into something to do with CoD. I thought this game was an 8 and if you look at my game collection you will only find 4 FPS games in my whole collection, Doom 3 HD, Metro 2033, Metro Last Light and Bioshock 1/2 bundle pack. That is unless of course you count fallout 3 and fallout new vegas as shooters. Oh and I have Wolfenstein 3d on XBLA. Different people are going to have different opinions of the game get over it. Yes the story is great, and the characters are great, and the graphics are amazing, but personally this game just felt like manhunt to me, nothing special in the GAMEPLAY part of the GAME to me. If all I wanted was a great story I would read a book or watch a movie. But thats just my opinion obviously yours differs.
@Nova_Prime_85 @stan_boyd @ragnarockw I liked metroid prime as well, but there are so many shooters nowadays that the last thing I want is another fps be it metroid or not.
@ragnarockw nope I am sick of Zelda and Pokemon and metroid is a maybe, I kinda want an oldschool metroid like similar to super metroid instead of another fps metroid.
@Vidpci the cycnism is what keeps me here, so many reviewers will tell you all the good things about a game, but skip out on the flaws, I want to know what kind of bugs and flaws a game has before I buy it cause sometimes a game can look really good and then turn out to have gamebreaking issues. My friend bought new vegas on release day and couldn't really play it for the first few weeks because of gamebreaking bugs that would stop him from loading saves, or he would have to wear a certain cowboy hat to enter the strip or the game would freeze if he didn't etc.
stan_boyd's comments