@mjswooosh @sherv490 chris watters usually does FPS game reviews and he loves fps games and always rates them high. Kevin usually does RPG's and Tom usually does the platformers, although sometimes they have to review outside their main styles of games cause someone isn't around to review, I am guessing Tom did the TLOU because of E3 being right around the corner and staff being limited.
@leviathanwing @ragnar320 no BF is on a different lvl that CoD it actually promotes teamwork and the vehicles add some cool elements to the game. CoD you want to steal kills from your teammates as you only get good points for kills not for supporting.
I blame nintendo for making too many stupid gimicks and not focusing on what I really want to see, new and fun gameplay, sure they got mario which was fun for the first 40 different games, and they got the 55th zelda game on the way woo hoo, and I get to stare at my controller instead of at my huge big screen tv because a bunch of the games features I need to play are on that stupid controller, no thanks nintendo you lost me with the wii and unless you get rid of stupid gimmicks and give me something new and refreshing in the games dept you and I can no longer chill together.
so does that mean I in the next zelda I won't be collecting numerous medallions of some sort from a forest, ice, fire, and earth temple again. man should shut his mouth before he gets his foot so are in it he can't get it back out.
@nait2k4 @sherv490 what isn't better than RE6 that game was aweful, it was no longer survival horror, but it wasn't as good of an action game as most other action games, the cover and shooting systems sucked compared to lets say Uncharted, Gears of War or even GTA4, the melee fighting wasn't as good as god of war or assassins creed, hell RE6 just didn't do anything good, everything was only mediocre at best. Also this is compared to other arcade titles not AAA big budget games.
@MAXTHUNDER99 @sherv490 @hector530 This is actually not compared to TLOU its rated as an Arcade game not a AAA game, just like Handheld games are rated as handhelds not AAA. Otherwise you could say that every handheld game has crappy visuals and sound compared to AAA console games.
As soon as I saw the score of this game I knew all the Manhunt 3 er I mean The Last of Us fanboys would be in a rage, even though this is on a different rating scale as its an Arcade title and therefore is compared to other arcade titles not AAA games. Yes its ugly compared to a 60 dollar AAA title, yes the sounds and voice acting aren't as good as a AAA title but this game is 20 bucks and only about 2 gigs.
stan_boyd's comments