I think game reviews should just end period, no more reviews at all and here is why. Every time a site does a review everyone who loves the game goes "OMG THIS IS SO UNFAIR THIS GAME DESERVES BETTER THIS SITE IS PAID FOR BY (INSERT COMPANY HERE)" and then the people who don't like the game go "OMG THIS SCORE IS UNFAIR THIS GAME IS CRAP THIS SITE IS PAID FOR BY (INSERT COMPANY HERE)" I guess I should start ranting and raving with the rest of you, NHL13 deserves a 10, Dead Island Riptide deserves a 10, Too Human deserves a 10, Tropico deserves a 10, Fallout New Vegas deserves a 10 should I go on?
@heguain I haven't played full game yet, my roommate hasn't bought it yet, he owns the ps3 in this house I own a 360 and wii. But based on the demo I would say about an 8.5 I am dissapointed with the human AI in the game, maybe they will change it with a patch but right now the human AI is dumber than in Deus Ex back in 2000, not Deus Ex Human Revolution but the original.
@heguain @stan_boyd @Mar044 based on the demo, its alright, but the stealth mechanics are flawed and the combat is cool looking but nothing really new. Story and Graphics are great though.
@de-ci23 but those are your opinions, personally I was sick of God of War before the PS3 even came out, as for Forza and Gran Turismo I do prefer Forza, however I do think Uncharted is one of the best series ever made and I do think that Gears of War is crap right from the first game onwards. As for twisted metal I would of given it a 6.0 I haven't enjoyed a twisted metal game since number 2 which was a 10/10 to me. I can't say anything about siren blood cause I am not into those types of games so I never played it,. I don't think that the site is biased, everyone just has different opinions on what is good and what is not even reviewers. I liked Operation Raccoon City and look what kind of score that got, I loved Too Human look at the score that got and Dead Island and Dead Island Riptide are amazing games in my eyes while others think they are crap, GTA4 is the best GTA in my opinion while others say its the worst of the series.
@de-ci23 @stan_boyd @PugnaciousBOA well I am playing state of decay now, and I would give it a 9.5 it has a few bugs that need fixing before it can be a 10 in my opinion. But its exactly what I wanted from a zombie survival game, I like it more than DayZ because I can just play without having to worry about someone with a big gun killing me from a mile away just for something to do.
stan_boyd's comments