@Gravity_Slave guards noticed dead comrades back in the year 2000 with Deus Ex, its just ridiculous that they didn't have better AI in this game 13 years later.
@Bellum_Sacrum i'm just sick of the zelda formula go to this temple get medallion go to next temple get next medallion etc etc etc until you have all medallions and can fight the main baddie. I need something new.
@joey0002013 yeah games will be like that at first, til they get better with the hardware. first gen ps3 games look like shit compared to what we have now
@izTamz @stan_boyd well i also want the witcher 3. i will be getting both consoles which one i get first will depend who has the better games to start with, 360 had crap when it first released, kameo and king kong seriously
@norman_99 @stan_boyd hmmm but it is still killer instinct, I just might be willing to pay for those extra character, I need to get my grubby hands on Fulgore asap
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