@ForceofNature9 @stan_boyd @YouEnjoyMyFluff but all the reviews have said there is a big emphasis on sneaking around because of lack of ammo and how easily you can die
@ForceofNature9 @YouEnjoyMyFluff @stan_boyd I don't trust the numbers, I just wanna know the good and the bad about every game. I see this game has a great story and great characters as well as cool looking combat but it also looks like it falls a little short in the stealth mechanics. For me that is kinda iffy especially after I just played hitman absolution and it had great stealth.
@YouEnjoyMyFluff @bannermanner I play alot of games that have gotten less than 9.0 and really enjoyed them such as Hitman Absolution which is my fave game right now and it only got a 7.5
@YouEnjoyMyFluff @stan_boyd I don't distrust them because of high scores, I distrust them cause they rarely talk about the flaws in a game. They didn't mention anything about the stealth ai issues this game has at all. Which maybe to them it wasn't an issue maybe most people can look past it and not even notice it. But to me it kinda bothers me, now I am not sure if I want to buy this game right away or wait for a price drop.
To me personally this is a fair review and here is why. Tom mentions and shows in the video that guards don't notice dead bodies, he also mentions and shows in the video that if you are sneaking and your ai partner runs or bumps into enemies they won't notice the ai partner. Now to some people that may not be a big deal. As a HUGE stealth game fan (still bitter hitman only recieved a 7.5 :P ) these flaws are rather huge and kinda dissapointing, now I need to decide if I want to buy this game knowing these flaws are there because it does still look great but will I enjoy it. If these flaws were not mentioned and I just went out and bought the game because IGN says there is no flaws at all I would have been royally pissed off.
To me personally this is a fair review and here is why. Tom mentions and shows in the video that guards don't notice dead bodies, he also mentions and shows in the video that if you are sneaking and your ai partner runs or bumps into enemies they won't notice the ai partner. Now to some people that may not be a big deal. As a HUGE stealth game fan (still bitter hitman only recieved a 7.5 :P ) these flaws are rather huge and kinda dissapointing, now I need to decide if I want to buy this game knowing these flaws are there because it does still look great but will I enjoy it. If these flaws were not mentioned and I just went out and bought the game because IGN says there is no flaws at all I would have been royally pissed off.
btw I am being sarcastic about hating kevin, though I did love Hitman enough that if I reviewed it even with its few flaws I would of given it a 10. But everyone has their own opinions and what some people call minor flaws other think they are more major.
stan_boyd's comments