@Arkhalipso @stan_boyd @Commander_Snowy I personally don't care about the score but alot of these sites aren't mentioning the negatives, such as IGN. To me an 8 is a great score don't know why everyone is up in arms.
@Arkhalipso @stan_boyd @Commander_Snowy It prob will be one of the best games of the year, but people are being retarded complaining that it didn't get a 10 when its not perfect. Only a fanboy like yourself complains about a game not getting a 10/10 hell some of my fave games got lower scores, Hitman Absolution only got 7.5 but I think its one of the best games I have ever played.
@Commander_Snowy @stan_boyd this review that everyone is mad about is good, it tells me how the guards ignore dead bodies which to me is ridiculous since Deus Ex AI noticed that back in 2000. This one also tells me that sometimes your AI partner will stand in the open while you are hiding and noone will notice them. That alone tells me this game is not the perfection that all the fanboys are screaming about, it looks great yes, but not perfect.
@Commander_Snowy @stan_boyd I want reviews that will tell me the good AND the bad, not fanboy reviews that only tell you how great it is. I want real details.
@Commander_Snowy yeah a real review that doesn't mention any of the short comings like the fact that guards ignore dead bodies unlike in other games from 13 years ago. Fail AI is fail I can do an awesome review for big mother truckers and rate it a ten as well by ignoring all its short comings.Heck I could even make a review for Duke Nukem Forever and give it a 10 by talking about only the good things and ignoring the bad.
@Jamoid @voicereason considering that Hitman Absolution just did stealth right, how does this game deserve a ten when its AI is worse than it was 12 years ago.
@Jamoid @voicereason this game has some pretty shitty stealth mechanics, guards walking past dead bodies and not even noticing is pretty craptastic considering guards have been noticing bodies since thief 1 and deus ex 1 back in 2000
stan_boyd's comments