@slainta @stan_boyd because different people notice different things, reviewers are still people. Ebert has crapped on lots of movies I like, and thats his opinion get over it.
@slainta dude was being stealthy with a flashlight on and enemies didn't even notice him, even skyrim enemies will notice you with a torch, also he left dead bodies around and guards didn't even notice, hitman 2 on xbox the guards noticed, there are some things about this game that are not perfect and therefore does not deserve a 10
ugh was hoping for no monsters just regular zombies and human raiders, like a post apocalyptic zombie sim kinda thing, oh well, just another game I will wait for bargain bit, looks like RE with brutal melee combat
@MetalDogGear @Leivve I seem to be one of the few people who liked Invisible War, sure the ammo thing was a little off, but as a whole I thought it was a good game.
oh and yeah barret shoots stuff in Ff7 so your arguement about a game having shooting in it makes it a shooter is not really a good one as barret has lots of guns and shoots monsters with them.
@Prats1993 @stan_boyd I'm glad AC kept its control scheme since I don't like platformers, and no ratchet and clank in not a shooter just because it has lots of guns in it. it is at its core a platformer just like barrett in ff7 has a bunch of guns, its still not a shooter, gta has cars but is not a racing game, fifa has balls in it but is not a basketball game.
stan_boyd's comments