@Prats1993 just because you jump doesnt mean its a platformer just like mario kart has driving but its not a driving sim and ratchet and clank have guns but its not a shooter
@leeko_link multiple protagonists is not innovative, but it can make for a better game in some cases. I hate GTA san andreas cause I hate CJ and since the whole game is all about a character I have no interest in I have no interest in that game. I liked Vice City cause I thought Tommy was a cool character and I also like GTA 4 cause I liked Niko Bellic. Now with GTA 5 if I don't like one char I can just play as another char which I like that idea, cause honestly Franklin does not interest me at all but Trevor and Micheal do. (No its not because he is black, its because hes a "gang banger" I hate the way he talks with all the gang slang and crap so if this game was all about franklin I would not even spend 10 bucks in the bargain bin for this game.)
@Jestersmiles when did GW2 become f2p I kinda wanted to try that game but didn't wanna pay the 50 dollars to buy it incase its just a grindfest like every other mmo
@DevilD2005 they said if Microsoft can get money of used games why shouldn't they since they make the games that microsoft is getting the money for. They did not say they wanted to charge for the games, they want to know why M$ gets to make money off of the games that they make.
@amar1234 I disagree, I think GTA 4 was the best game in the series so far. As for MMO's being the true way of gaming NO THANKS. I played WoW for a while and got sick of all the elitist jerks that talk shit to you because you are not as good dps as them or as good healer etc etc. Not all of us have 20 hours every day to sink into a game to become true elite masters, I'd rather play by myself where I can enjoy a game my way without everything being treated like a competition. I think what you just said about MMO's being the true way forward is sillier than anything Take Two has said.
@Munstable Many superhero movies have multiple protagonists even if you don't necessarily always see it that way. Batman has Commisioner Gordon and Alfred as well though not as in your face as Batman they are still an important part and add different dynamics, Xmen you have all of the different Xmen, while they may focus more on wolverine it doesn't mean the others aren't also protagonists, same with the avengers.
@Munstable @stan_boyd I am not saying games are necessarily bad with just one protagonist, its just having multple can appeal to different types of people. I do not relate to the whole ghetto thug life thing so for me san andreas was crap because I hated CJ. If Chrono Trigger only had Chrono and it didn't have frog or ayla or robo I wouldn't have enjoyed it. If Game of Thrones only followed John Snow and ignored Tyrion and Daenarys I would hate it cause I find John Snow to be the most boring of the protagonists. However I did enjoy Castaway which only has one protagonist and I enjoyed Hitman that just has one protagonist. So I guess it just depends on the situation, although I am sure people who find agent 47 boring might wish they had an alternate character with a different personality to choose from.
@Munstable yup its true, but most shows and movies have multiple protagonists. If game of thrones followed only John Snow I wouldn't like it. If Lord of the Rings only followed Frodo I wouldn't have liked it as they are chars I don't care for, but I liked the other chars so I kept watching\reading
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