@jdt532 different journalists, give chris watters a twitch shooter and it will get a good review everytime, give it to Tom or Carol and it will get a shit review everytime.
@Sparrowhood yep just like Call of Duty Ghosts is going to be awesome cause like they say if it ain't broke don't fix it so they just keep the same formula and give out new maps at a 60 dollar pricetag.
@ggoldman oh noes some of their jounalists don't like seeing a cash grab clone of a game, just like many gamers hate when CoD and Assassins Creed do it. But Batman is allowed to be a cash grab clone cause its batman how dare you gamespot have journalists that don't agree with every gamer on the planet all at the same time.
@Navardo95 @NBAmaster33 gamespot is made up of many different games journalists with different tastes, some like one series and dislike another, Tom has done editorials about his dislike for CoD and Medal of Honor and hates all military shooters and how he sees them as nothing more than mindless killing and as a recruitment drive for the military convincing kids that war is fun.
@ThePowerOfHAT the only cool thing about Revelations was the setting, new city in a new part of the world to explore where the architecture looked different from any other game, the npc clothing was very different where as so far this game looks to have the same atmosphere as Arkham City, I was looking at video play and I couldn't tell that it was a new game at all. I don't expect them to change Gotham but they gotta change something, the combat, atmosphere, gadgets, etc etc all look the same so why should I buy this instead of just playing Arkham City again.
@noobslaya1993 well if ps4 internet service is anything like PS3's you can have your free lagfests while I have my paid online gameplay without the lag.
@cvjr ah but that is very untrue, did AC2 have Ship to Ship combat? Did it have hunting and skinning animals? could shoot a guy with your pistol, run over his rifle and pick it up while running, then shoot a second guy while on the move, then stab a third guy with the bayonet while still running all in one fluid motion? could you hide in bushes and tall grass in AC2? Could you use people as human shields to avoid gunfire in AC2? And thirdly did AC3 have the same combat animations as AC2? the answer is no. AC3 had alot of new content that people just don't bother to look at because that means they can't make fun of it for being the same game over and over again.
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