@MotRFalcon @stan_boyd @Stonecutters908 they could of at least changed the looks of the attacks instead of me watching the same animations yet again. Why does everyone hate on on assassins creed for producing the same game over again, in fact AC HAS changed quite a bit, I don't remember ship combat in AC2, nor do I remember hunting and skinning animals, nor do I remember running over a gun picking it up on the move, firing while on the move then using the bayonet on the gun to impale another guy all in one fluid motion. But yep AC stays the same and that is bad but batman stays the same and its the greatest thing ever.
@caseystryker yeah and CoD gets alot of hate for being the same game over and over again as does ass creed, but everyone give the bats a free pass simply cause he is batman, basically the character means this game can be a pile of shit and people will still defend it.
@rtircoklled it depends who is writing the articles, some articles have complained about CoD and Tom especially hates on CoD, but Chris Watters who reviews them worships them,
@Atheosis @stan_boyd @MotRFalcon oh sorry I forgot batman is allowed to make the same game over and over again and get a free pass cause he is batman, its only everyone else that we hate on boo CoD for never changing, Yay Batman for never changing.
@Stonecutters908 @stan_boyd whats your point, its still looking to be the same game over and over. Asylum was great it was fresh and new, City was good it was a bigger world and playing as catwoman was kinda cool but for the most part it was been there done that, this game is prob gonna be mediocre, bigger world ummm and uh bigger world and did I mention bigger world.
@Deeg_1 @Disturbed_88 funny thing is though is AC3 had the biggest changes in the series, the ship combat, the trapping and hunting, different seasons, the more fluid combat like the cool thing where I can kill an enemy then run over his gun and pick it up on the move, fire it while running to take down a second guy and then ram the third with the bayonet. But yeah for the most part it did feel the same as the other AC games BUT it looks like it may have been a bigger leap between games than the Batman games are taking.
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