@Smoothus yeah cause its not like CoD ever has glitches when it comes out right, you know except those ones that people exploit and use to cheat, and they always give us a ton of new content each year right, oh wait nope just a couple new guns and maps which could just be released as dlc. Yet chris gives every call of duty a great score.
@Deadlysyns87 @stan_boyd @realshooter305 oh I'm sorry I forgot that blizzard has fanboys that will make excuses for their shitty policies. what excuse do you have for diablo having to be online while playing single player?
@Shinra_Tensei4 @nait2k4 I am sure they will, Rockstar is one of the few companies out there who seems to get what gamers want, when they make a DLC expansion they make a real expansion and not just a 2 hours sidequest.
@samdam3 @stan_boyd warthunder is awesome I play it on PC, way better than world of warplanes, though I am addicted to world of tanks and looking forward to world of warships.
@realshooter305 @Deadlysyns87 @stan_boyd I used to play WoW then my server started dying out, alot of times when I logged in it had low population and finding enough people for raids could take hours. so I saw that Thunderhoof had a High Population in bold green lettering so I wanted to transfer my 6 characters to it and blizzard wanted 150 bucks I have already given them hundred of dollars over the 5 years I played the game.
@Deadlysyns87 @stan_boyd @realshooter305 still doesn't change what practices blizzard has been employing for PC for years. Like with WoW you already have to pay 15 dollars a month to play why should if your server becomes dead why should they need to charge you another 25 dollars per character to move to a busier server.
@realshooter305 blizzard is a joke of a company, diablo 3's real money auction house and having to be online to play single player, WoW charging 25 bucks per character to move to another server if yours dies down in population, what is blizzard gonna do next I wonder.
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