@thedeadmorrison Well if you think about it how does a space marine carry an entire aresonal on his back at the same time, plus tons of ammo for all of them. How does a warrior in Skyrim have fire breathed on him and not suffer permanent burn scarring, how does a soldier in CoD/Battlefield get shot multiple times and heal after just a few seconds of taking cover without being taken to a hospital and lying in bed for many days then staying at home for many months recovering. Realism and Gaming do not go hand in hand.
@Nikore I like you Nikore, we think alike, I want games that seperate themselves from all the others. Doom 3's flashlight did that, you had to choose light or firepower, if you choose light you can see the monster hiding in the corner but are helpless for a couple seconds while you switch to your weapon, if you choose firepower now you can't see it and get ambushed making things more intense. I loved ME because it took risks trying to mesh shooter and rpg all at the same time, and it worked, elder scrolls was brilliant cause of its openworld and first person view that made you feel like you were the character etc. More people need to be innovative, instead now they are just pandering to what the masses want instead of trying something new that the masses might enjoy and just don't know it yet.
@your-exhellency I thought the flashlight was a great call, it added tension and surprise, if you walk down the hallway with your shotgun loaded you prob won't see that imp on the ceiling waiting to ambush you. Now you will no ambush no surprises no tension. But thats what this generation of shooters want. They just want to kill stuff, screw any other types of gaming ideas, just point and shoot, the easier to shoot the better.
@david1230 @thedeadmorrison Alot of people just seem to want games to be easier. Doom 3 was great cause it was unique cause of the use of the darkness, enemies could catch you by complete surprise because you had your gun out and didn't see them hiding in the dark corner. Now you can have your gun out and see in that dark corner taking away the surprise elements. Like I said before now this game is just CoD:Doom edition.
@Cactusgod @ahpuck In a way they are, they are making it a part of your armor so that its always on so you can always see in the dark at all times. No more things using shadows to sneak up on you since you can see in the shadows and shoot at the same time.
@ahpuck I thought it added fear, like when I went into a room and didn't see a zombie in the dark corner til it was almost breathing on me, when when I walked down a dark corrider and an imp came down from the ceiling that I didn't see there beforehand cause of the darkness.
@thedeadmorrison If they took the sneaking out of Metal Gear would you care, or if they gave you tons of ammo in RE would you care (oops they already did that and there was a huge amount of annoyed people) if they took away Biotics from Bioshock would you care, they are only small things afterall.
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