@serious its only a billion dollar industry for some of the big hitters like EA and Activision, other smaller companies are feeling the pressure alot harder, notice how more and more and more companies are becoming a part of the EA and Activision empire.
I agree and disagree with this article, before gamestop used games weren't as big as they are now and was mostly done in small businesses or person to person and there was a much smaller amount of used games sales happening. Since gamestop though used sales have skyrocketed because gamestop does everything they can to make you buy used games cause they make over 100 percent profit off of them. I don't blame gamers for where things are at, but I can't put all the blame on publishers either when you got leeches like gamestop out there profiting off other people hard work.
So now that we have let the genie out of the bottle where do we go next. You know I really don't care for some of the finishers in Mortal Kombat, perhaps we should have them changed, oh and the Sky City in Bioshock infinite looks pretty lame to me, lets get that changed as well. Oh and I really really hate Matrix Wesker in RE5 lets petition capcom to have him lose the Neo powers and trenchcoat please.
@yulaw2000 making a few choices throughout the game doesn't make you the artist, just like reading a choose your own adventure book doesn't make you the writer, nor does watching a alternate ending to a movie in the special feature make you the director.
so now that the masses of gamers have determined that games are not considered art like movies and books and that they are simply just a product, that means that Jack Thompson has been right all along and that games can and should be censored right? Good job gamers for pushing games a step backwards in being considered art. Devs should stop trying to tell stories with games, because stories are artistic, they should just go back in time and make platformers where you jump around collecting coins and rings then noone can be dissapointed if they don't like the way the story ends since there is none.
EA can go to hell, I will now check every game I buy to make sure the EA sticker is not on it because I am not gonna support a company that so blatantly disregards it customers.
Everyone knows a good MMO is good because it has balanced classes that all work together to complete a task, you need a healer, a tank, dps, crowd control etc. Everyone knows that Elder Scrolls has no classes and you were free to make your character however you want. So this mmo is gonna fail because either you will still be able to make overpowerful characters that can do everything like we could with previous games which makes grouping meaningless. Or you will have specific classes which is absolutely nothing like an elder scrolls game because it means limiting what you can do.
@Daemoroth But your choices do effect the outcome, were all your characters alive at the end? @hirachiro In a choose your own adventure book choice a) moves you to next page where you make another choice however choice B) takes you to another page where the story ends and you fail.
@hirachio well which choices do we choose to make the important ones that they base the ending off of. Even with just a couple choices thats alot of different possibilities of outcomes. 1 choice means 3 different results A B or C, 2 choices is even grander cause now you go AA, AB, AC, BA, BB, BC, CA, CB, CC then you go to 3 choices and it gets even greater etc etc etc.
@hirachio but do your changes not effect everything else during the game? Do other people not change based on your choices? Why does all the choices have to effect the ending when they are already effecting everything else during the course of the game. How do you make endings that are going to coincide with everyone elses choices, everyone who plays these games make different choices in different places, how many different combination of choices is that, how do you make ending for every single one of these different people who have all made different choices than you over the course of 3 games. Are they supposed to try and make 100000 different endings in order to coincide with all the different choice combinations you can make over the course of the games.
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