Even though Batman Arkham Asylum is a fantastic game, I thought the ending was a little weak, anyone want to start a petition to have it changed. I also hated that at the end of Halo Reach the team was doomed even after all that work to try and save reach, lets vote to have it changed. Oh and GTA IV I don't want to have to pick between Kate or Roman, so lets start a petition. Oh and Resident Evil 5, having Wesker die in a volcano, so cliche I cry PETITION.
Theseendings are basically the same as Halo 2's ending, its obviously leaving us wanting more so that we will have to buy more. Whether its DLC, a sequel a movie, I don't know but EA will get more money out of the ME fanboys one way or another. Bioware has gone to crap since EA took over. This is the final Bioware product I will buy, and its also the first 1 I will trade in because I am not spending more money so I can see the REAL ending, if they ever have one.
@rhymesmatter this is my last Bioware game is buy day 1, I was somewhat dissapointed with ME2 but still was able to enjoy it, but I didn't like how they just made it more action less drama. I was so dissapointed with DA2 that I considered not picking up ME3, and now I kinda wish I had stuck to my guns. ME3 has been a huge let down for me, thats 2 1/2 letdowns thats enough to let me know bioware is no longer designing the games, they are simply programming what EA tells them to program.
@redstorm72 It seems nothing will persuade people to stop buying Bioware Products. Look at Dragon Age 2, there is still people defending it saying why its apparently a great game, then you got the people who are still saying this game deserves a perfect 10 score even though its got bugs and framerate issues and crap endings.
I don't think Bioware should bother changing the ending for 2 reasons 1) I want them to rot in the stinking piles of crap they have been making us (DA2 and ME3) 2) No matter how they change it not everyone will be pleased cause people like different things. I like country music and hate heavy metal, alot of you will be the complete opposite.
So everyone what happens if they change the endings and still alot of people are unhappy with it? Do they change it again, and again and again until every single mass effect fan on planet is satified? is that even possible?
I agree with this topic, I have played ME1 and 2 and some of the DLC, and yet I had no clue who this Vega dude is or why I should give a damn about him. I also don't buy books based off of videogames because 99.9 % of the time they suck just like I won't pay to watch movies of videogames for the same reason or why I pass on games based off of movies.
I want my special ending to have shepherd flying on a dragon blasting reapers away with balls of flame. If this is not included in the new ending I will have to start a petition to have it changed again cause I won't be satisified with an ending unless its the way I want it end.
I don't think Bioware should change the ending, cause no matter what they change it to alot of different people won't be happy with that ending and then bioware will have to create another ending to please those people which will make another group of people unhappy making them have to change it again etc etc etc
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