@nigelholden @stan_boyd @spanish911 maybe? or maybe its just that I have gotten used to more complex controls over the years and so now there is a feeling of lack of difficulty? hard to say, Same thing happened for me with Turtles in Time I loved the original but the remaster just felt so easy.
@nigelholden @stan_boyd @komuchen @Polaris-dono i would love to have chip and dales, I forgot they even exist cause I don't see them on tv nor do I see the dvds on store shelves at least not out in the open, maybe if I dig through bargain bins or something.
@spanish911 there are plenty of reasons for a lower score, the difficulty, the controls, also whether its a remastering or not it doesn't hold up to the games of today after all it was designed for a system with 2 buttons and dpad. Honestly I don't think gamesites should even bother reviewing these types of games cause the only reason to buy them in the first place is nostalgia and if you never played the original then this game is gonna seem like an oversimplified lame ass indie title.
@nigelholden @stan_boyd @komuchen @Polaris-dono has duck tales tv show or movie even been released on dvd? I had it on VHS but never seen a copy of it on dvd in any stores.
@thegoten62003 @GunBladeHero earthworm jim all they did was update the graphics, but this game they tried to make the classic better by adding some stuff, and they also made the game more accessible (aka easy).
@Polaris-dono they pulled a turtles in time, dumbing down a classic game so that new gamers who don't even know what duck tales is cause they weren't around when the cartoon was on anyways can play.
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