@echolimaromeo @Kickable you know what makes me laugh, bunnies, they are just sooo cute and adorable and funny when they try and hop around but can't because they are still learning its just like awwww ha ha ha ha.
@Dirk_McHardpeck @echolimaromeo @stan_boyd @SopranosFan alright guys we should stop, sure he called us some nasty names because he didn't get the reference, but if we keep trolling the troll he might pull a phil fish on us and cancel his gamespot account.
@BuBsay @stan_boyd I hated the first hours of the sega genesis shadowrun, I litterally did nothing but deliver packages for Mr Gunderson for about 6 hours just so I could get enough Karma and money to get myself a decent cyberdeck and computer skills to start doing some low lvl matrix runs so that I could get the money to get better gear and contacts so I could start grinding out corporate runs so that I could afford an even better cyberdeck etc. I probably spent about 30 hours of grinding in that game and about 3 hours of actual story.
@BuBsay @stan_boyd on the super nes I used to get bored cause I needed karma so I would enter room shoot up enemies exit room reenter same room shoot up enemies rinse and repeat, and that was half the game that was the grind, so yes this game takes less time, but there is no grinding, everyone complains about grinds in mmos but when a single player game gets rid of grinding they complain, such a weird world gamers live in.
stan_boyd's comments