@Crush_Project @outlawst @stan_boyd that depends who your gm is, I played games where shooting your way through was pretty common as well as games that relied more on matrix or magic or talking. besides a video game can only do so much, in PnP if you can imagine it you can usually find a skill to apply a dice roll to it, in a video game though they can't program endless possibilities.
@tempertress @loafofgame @Mojira7 so do you think Phil Fish was just trolling when he said Japanese games suck and that gamers are the worst f'ing people?
@echolimaromeo @Dirk_McHardpeck @SopranosFan they are appropriate to thread, sopranosfan quoted something as a joke, dirk responded to the quote which is part of this thread. just cause you don't get it doesn't mean you need to start calling people names you asshat.
@DaRq_MiNoS @Banyek I just found fez boring, its a puzzle game with no challenge other than your patience. There is no timer, no enemies, the only way to lose is to get frustrated with a puzzle and quit. I don't mind these retroesque indie games coming out some of them are really good, like Limbo and Super Meat Boy were awesome and Deathspank had me roaring in laughter for hours. This game put me to sleep, and his egotistical attitude didn't help any either, after seeing how much of a bad attitude this guy had at a conference when he said japanese developers make shit games I lost all respect for him, he wants people to respect his work while he shits on other peoples work, guy can leave and stay gone for all I care.
those people who are complaining saying that he snes version was so much longer, go look up Shadowrun Speedrun there is a guy who beats it in an hour and a half. Rather than grinding so he can get gear and karma he just goes straight through the story and its really short. The only reason the genesis and snes versions seemed longer was cause of the karma and money grinding that were actually completely unneccesary.
@Xx_Kares_xX @stan_boyd @ErickPS4 never said movies, tv shows etc didn't do the same, does that mean that we should give it a pass just because others are trashy?
@ErickPS4 I don't think its a dumb opinion, I can see where he is coming from, while I do like to see more women characters in games, some games just make it feel like a cheap exploitation to lure horny male nerds to the game by giving them big boobs and hardly any clothing, its sexploitation and that is all.
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