@Auriken @stan_boyd as for dragon age 2, i would say they took a risk, I would say they tried to copy what everyone else in the wester rpg world was doing, fast hack and slash push attack button as fast as you can til things die.
@Auriken @stan_boyd because its like every other MMO, fetch quests and hotbar combat with typical tank, dps and healer dungeon running, oh yeah and gear grinding yay. KOTOR was fun in how it used a behind the scenes D&D combat system rather than hotbar combat that relied almost solely on what gear you wear ala WoW.
@Darkhol0w not necessarily a cliff hanger, but open enough that they can continue on with it. If they do things right they could do it like the GTA games where every game is connected but is a different story.
I actually don't mind this news, I love franchises. I own all the mass effects, the assassins creeds, the splinter cells, the metal gears, the uncharted, alot of the final fantasy, the hitmans, the thief games, baldurs gate, diablo, the elderscrolls and gta games, I find it funny that some of the people posting here complaining about this news have avatars of franchise games. Like mr Akuma avatar and mister solid snake avatar and mr Kratos avatar. Don't be a hypocrite and criticize ubisoft for doing the same thing that your favorite developers are doing.
@Auriken @stan_boyd Well they turned dragon age from a strategic baldurs gate style game to a "push buttons as fast as you can and see cool stuff happen" hack and slash, they turned Kotor into a hotbar MMO why is this such a leap?
@blueinheaven well technically speaking Wii-U is next gen, its just has poor hardware for next gen. Plus nintendo has a bad track record of selling third party titles, most nintendo owners only buy mario, zelda and a few other games and ignore the third party titles making it a risk to develop them.
@Mugzippit mario hasn't appeared more than once on a console? Mario Galaxy 1 an 2 are both on the wii, mario party 4,5,6 and 7 were all on the cube. you can also argue that there are different call of duty series world war 2 stuff, modern warfare stuff, and black ops stuff. each series being somewhat different because of the setting. But really cod is the same old same old and so is mario.
@contentxcontext @Skhuff i never said skhuff did, but if you watch any video that jess does, scroll through the chat and you will see people talking about how they want to have sex with her.
@sparvind the combat in neverwinter isn't even anything special, its a carbon copy of Tera's combat system. Congrats never winter you are a clone of a game that failed to win subscribers and was forced to go free to play.
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