@SIDEFX1 @stan_boyd ah so its typical fanboyism, its not released for such and such system so therefore its nothing special. Well The Last of Us wasn't released on 360 thats why its just another third person action game.
@The_Gaming_Baby its not a sport its entertainment, and I enjoy it for what it is. Athletes performing dangerous stunts for our entertainment, sorta like jackie chan.
@OldKye I just refer to them all as zombies, sure the infected don't die, but they seem like the fungus has completely taken over so they still are pretty much dead as the only thing that seems left of the person is the physical body, but everything that made them human is gone.
@OldKye @Vojtass well that depends, many people consider the 28 Days later and I Am Legend to be zombie movies even though the "zombies" are not actually undead but instead infected with a virus that makes them go into rage mode.
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